Thursday 25 August 2005, by Buffy Fan :) :

Good for her. I like some of the episodes of Buffy she wrote.

Thursday 25 August 2005, by PaddedCell :

I’m a little surprised at this because it’s an ABC show. I thought Espenson would stick with Fox. The show might be a good fit for her, but the "Veronica Mars" people should have tried to recruit her.

Thursday 25 August 2005, by Anonymous :

’Jake in Progress’ is made by 20th Century Fox Television. It just airs on ABC. So she is sticking with Fox... just not the network. Her contract is with the television production company, not the network.

Thursday 25 August 2005, by Anonymous :

She is very smart to stay as far away from FOX as possible. At least until the reality series ratings boom slows down.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Jane Espenson joins "Jake in Progress" Tv Series writing/producing team

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