Sunday 2 October 2005, by J. :

Gorgeous photo. Shame it isn’t really ’High Quality’, it’s just ’Big’, yet bad quality.

Monday 3 October 2005, by Orestes96 :

That’s one pretty mamma. I’d buy her diner. And a house. And a car. And that black dress. And some swedish furniture. I’d probably rob a bank. -sigh- All this will never happen. Well maybe not that last one.

Monday 3 October 2005, by SUSAN :

Nice photo..But they could of removed the price tag or security tag on Sarah Gellars shoes..Before the photo shoot....

Monday 3 October 2005, by jimilybillybob :

nice photos but why is one of her feet really red

Tuesday 8 November 2005, by Anonymous :

That’s not a price tag,That’s either a flower or a butterfly!!!

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