Monday 23 January 2006, by Anonymous :

"Angel and Spike are bitter enemies, they still are almost always on the same side. Whether it’s season 2 of Buffy or season 5 of Angel, they always manage to join together for a gay ol’ time. These two would have been the best of friends if not for Drusilla or Buffy. And, the interesting thing about this couple-they’re the only one on the list to (canonically) have intercourse with one another."

I’m not disputing this, but can anyone tell me when, canonically, Spike and Angel were supposed to have had intercourse with each other? As for slashiest couples - I read lots of slash;it’s something people tend to love or hate, and personally, I love it. Spike/Xander are the couple for me though - a slash pairing made in heaven, or more probably the other place ;).

These comments are an anwser to this article : Buffy & Firefly listed in Qosmos : Top Twelve Slashiest Couples

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