Thursday 30 March 2006, by david’s minion :

Does anybody know where a person can order this poster?

Thursday 30 March 2006, by Anonymous :

What is it with his crappy movies? He’s a good actor, he’s good-looking, it’s about time he got an actual deep or meaningful part in an entertaining movie. I can’t think of a movie he’s been in that didn’t suck.

Wednesday 26 April 2006, by Anonymous :

Wow! I think I’m going to watch that movie for 2 reasons: 1. David Boreanaz. 2. He’s looking HOT in the poster... I’d like to know where can I get it too!!

Wednesday 10 May 2006, by anonymous :

He looks delectable in that poster, where can a person order it?

Saturday 29 July 2006, by Anonymous :

Mr. anonymous, you haven’t seen this movie so how can you say it sucks? You’re a fool.

Sunday 27 August 2006, by mandy :

hey! does anybody know where you can actually get this movie? i am from the uk and its like IMPOSSIBLE and i must see it! david boreanaz looks so hot!

Wednesday 13 September 2006, by perlanti :

i like to see this film .i am from egypt.but when?

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