Wednesday 25 October 2006, by Anonymous :

The issue here is, 11th has taken it upon herself to comply completely with the original message she received. As she said, unless Universal now owns copyright on the word "Serenity" itself - which is not mentioned in direct connection to the film at all - then the lawyers are being overly harsh. Worse, it’s with someone who definitely has helped to promote the ’Verse way beyond the call of duty or their own somewhat shabby campaign.

Thursday 26 October 2006, by Anonymous :

see the forum discussing this issue:

Thursday 26 October 2006, by Patpaws :

This was a well written article. Dabbling in fan art and fan fiction can be fun, but it can not be for profit. Various fan sites pop over many series or movies and the major networks are aware of that. It’s free publicity for them. A good fan sites uses disclaimers, adds links to the official site (if they still exits), bBut the webmasters need to be aware that they are crossing the copyright line and could be stepping on some big company’s toes.

I’m amazed as how good some of the fan fiction is and wonder why these writers don’t create their own characters.

Thursday 26 October 2006, by flora_reilly :

While I have not seen 11th Hour’s Cafe Press site for the Serenity/Firefly items, I know that many times (myself included) items are offered through Cafe Press at no profit to the "shop" owner. I have done so myself. They are simply made available for fans/friends to purchase at the Cafe Press price. So, when you stress the word "selling," if 11th Hour was doing it for profit, that was wrong.

I agree 100% with regard to the ownership of the copyright and images of the Serenity/Firefly and all other copyrighted materials. It’s a very difficult area of the law, particularly in terms of photography of celebrities and who is the actual owner of the photo/image.

However, I still hold to my original response to Universal’s C&D to 11th Hour. If what she describes is accurate, then this was poorly handled by Universal and their legal hatchet men.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Pirating the Whedonverse : Serenity & Firefly copyrights

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