Wednesday 20 December 2006, by mjh :

Some Christians need to get a life . . . .

Wednesday 20 December 2006, by celeste :

Fuck, stop bitching. if its against your beliefs dont watch it. its as simple as that. but there are alot of people that have been waiting for this movie to come out. this movie does not even have anything to do with religion or what anybody belives. your just getting upset about the release date. its a christmas movie so i would think it would come out around that holiday. i dont know its just a guess, but maybe they thought it would make more money then. and its not putting jesus or anyones church down. so why not have a little fun this christmas? Because I know I’m going to see it.

Wednesday 20 December 2006, by Mena :

Me and my best friend want to boycott this movie so badly so we decided to make poster and put them up all over town.

It defeys Christmas I mean it`s the happies time of the year why make this dumb movie!!! Our slogan is,"What stinks? Black christmas! How do we stop it? Boycott it!"

Tuesday 26 December 2006, by Theresa :

Thats crazy Mena. It’s a movie. Some people really are way to high strung. Just don’t go see it if you are against it. I personally cannot wait to see it!

Thursday 28 December 2006, by celeste :

“What stinks? Black christmas! How do we stop it? Boycott it!”

oh, wow...very clever! I’m sure you’ve stoped millions of people from going out and seeing "Black Christmas" with just just that very line. ...How will we ever thank you?!

These comments are an anwser to this article : Michelle Trachtenberg - "Black Christmas" Movie - Christian groups fume over it

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