Thursday 8 March 2007, by Zoogirl :

Is this man suffering from some form of psychological illness that causes him to have delusions?

This is the most ludicrous thing I’ve read in a very long time.

Friday 9 March 2007, by Anonymous :

Ill only Believe, it When I see it.

Friday 9 March 2007, by hannah :

sound like Freddie outed Sarah as a closet smoker if you read carefully. i don’t understand why its such a big deal for Sarah to hide her habit if she does smoke. she’s a great actress and a good person and that doesn’t change because she may like to smoke when she is with her friends or out at night. lots of my friends are social smokers and it doesn’t make them bad people

Friday 9 March 2007, by Anonymous :

Oh Dear Sweet Jesus. Who Gives A SHIT!

Friday 9 March 2007, by Aybk :

She can’t resist people smoking cigarettes?

Saturday 10 March 2007, by Anonymous :

Smoking goes not equal evil.

Tuesday 13 March 2007, by Angelic Charisma :

I can’t believe this man is so obssessed with trying to do an expose` on Sarah? Guess what. It’s HER life, and so what what people think because she is entitled to a thing we like to call privacy! Either way, this man makes it seem as if she’s a terrible person for smoking, guess what. It doens’t change who she is inside. Ohhh, Sarah is going to be so upset at this man and I don’t blame her, because this-article- is rude. Point balnkly, this man needs to get a life.

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