Saturday 27 December 2003, by Dude :

Right, D Creek’s Series Finale was crap. They should have never brought the creator of the show to do it. He was absent during the last 4 years of the show...

Sunday 28 December 2003, by Smiley :

Wrong. Buffy WAS great, but Dawson was NOT the worst. Sure, most of the other episodes in recent years sucked, but the finale did wrap things up pretty well. And of course the two episodes were a saccharine-like soap, that was the definition of the show throughout its run.

Sunday 28 December 2003, by crazy daisy :

Ich weiß nicht was die scheisse hier soll!!! ich selbst bin bufy fan, würde mich aber nie auf das niveau herunterlassen sone scheisse über dawsons creek zu erzählen. Stupid children you are!!

Monday 29 December 2003, by T :

I cant comment on the Creek as I quit watching after the third year, and that was kinda too late already. Buffy kicked ass though, and I’m having serious withdrawal symptoms. Well, at least I still get to see Spike in Angel.

But I do think it would be cool if people could write in the forum in English.

Tuesday 30 December 2003, by blueyeblacktear :

Yes, the Buffy finale was amazing, gorgeous, heartbreaking, and all things good, but the Dawsons Creek finale was NOT bad. I’m not even a big fan of the show, I stopped watching it years ago, but I bawled my eyes out when Jen died. That was uncalled for.

Thursday 1 January 2004, by anyasbuttmonkey :

You cannot be serious. The "DC" finale was amazing! Sure, the show has been mediochre for the past 2/3 seasons, but the finale was just beautiful. Chosen, on the other hand.... Well, lets just say I wasn’t overly impressed with it...

These comments are an anwser to this article : Tv Guide Best/Worse 2003 Season Finale

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