Friday 21 March 2008, by lysa :

Really great pics !!

Friday 21 March 2008 :

SMG was there? LOL I didn’t recognise emma jesus she’s so old... they seem very happy...

Friday 21 March 2008 :

the photo of seth and sarah is adorable. seth, you stud, you.

Friday 21 March 2008 :

Please may the stars align for a feature film!

Friday 21 March 2008 :

Emma Caulfield looks amazing!!! James Marsters need to bleech his hair again, he doesnt look nice dark

Saturday 22 March 2008 :

Sweet jesus James has got the botox happening! Looks like he got it a tad too close to the event.. his face hasn’t settled into it properly yet!

Saturday 22 March 2008 :

nick brendon is horrible in those clothes! what was he thinking? the rest of them are really great, specially charisma.

Sunday 23 March 2008, by buffyfan23 :

Please! Botox? The poor guy is exhausted. He flew up from Mexico to attend the event. From what I’ve heard he came straight from the airport. He’s not using botox he’s just incredibly tired.

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