Saturday 22 March 2008, by kay :

OMG,James and Sarah are adorable together!

Saturday 22 March 2008, by mjane892 :

They are all so gorgeous & full of life. It’s beautiful to see this group back together & everyone looking happy & fit.

Saturday 22 March 2008, by Just me :

Looks like Chrisima is sporting a baby bumb or she is just getting out of shape what do ya think gang

Sunday 23 March 2008 :

They all look happy and full of fun, except Michelle T who only seems to care about posing for the camera!

Sunday 23 March 2008 :

These look too good. Wow. Feast your eyes, fellow Whedonverse fans, we may not be seeing another reunion like this for a LONG time. Sigh.

Monday 24 March 2008 :

SMG looks younger than Michelle T.

Tuesday 25 March 2008 :

Now if only they could give us a movie or actually broadcast the reunion on tv! Think it’s dumb that it isn’t going to be broadcasted

Tuesday 8 April 2008 :

I would of liked Anthony Stewart Head & David Boreanaz there too.....That it would of been one hell of a reunion....

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