Friday 2 April 2004, by Anonymous :

#27 - Spike saves the day should be a LOT nearer the #1 slot

Friday 2 April 2004, by spikerules :

I cant believe they didn’t include the moment in season 4, "The Initiative" where Spike keeps trying to attack Willow but cant due to the chip they just gave him! Masterpiece.

Friday 2 April 2004, by Katriona :

That list sucks. Truly awful. What a load of poo. Most of those "best moments" would rank high on my "ultimate crappiest" list... Unbelievable.

Friday 2 April 2004, by Myrtille :

Where did the scene where Angel bites Buffy go ??? I would have said it deserves to be in the top 10 !!

Friday 2 April 2004, by norman :

yeah i agree with most of them. i do think spikes sacrifice should have been closer to the top ten but owell. at least they got 1 and 2 right.

Friday 2 April 2004, by Patty :

Where is Spike saying "Bugger this!" near the end of Once More With Feeling?

Friday 2 April 2004, by mel :

And Kendra’s death ?? it was really sad !! and riley the husband(46), we didn’t care !!

Friday 2 April 2004, by Elizabeth :

I wonder who made this up, some depressed Bangel (pardone me, no offence)?

Friday 2 April 2004, by Anonymous :

Oh come on guys!

like yu could really pick out 50 distinct moments in a hosw with so many! all you poeple who keeo saying "what about..? and that one where..?" well, they had to choose just 50! leave them alone! its a hard enough thing to do! there were 100’s and 100’s of great moments in Buffy, and let’s just be glad that we can safely say there were more than 50...

Friday 2 April 2004, by Cobalt Blue :

Id say Spike waking up in the sun was great moment. and i can never forget when Spike tried to stake himself on Xanders Coffee table waring his hawaiin shirt.

Saturday 3 April 2004, by Mikey :

The bunny costume wasn’t even the best moment in that episode! What about Giles’ chainsaw? Or "Actual Size"?

Saturday 3 April 2004, by bigz :

that list is missing one significant moment....

The Prom... where buffy is announced as Protector of the Year.

that is the only moment in the entire span of buffy that made me feel slightly moist in the eye!

Saturday 3 April 2004, by Marky :

Every moment of BUFFY kicked ass. How dare you say some were better than others! They are all equal. Each moment helps the other moments and vice versa. For example, her death wouldn’t have been as poignant if we didn’t know what had happened before she arrived at that moment. That total realisation and decision that even tho it wasn’t her OWN blood that opened the portal, she could close it because the monks made Dawn from her, and the desert, and the 1st slayer, and the real meaning of what her gift was, and blah dee blah dee blah blah. In short, I wouldn’t have cried if she had just straight out died. But I did. How dare you rank all of those precious moments! Thanks for entertaining me for a while tho. x

Saturday 3 April 2004, by Anonymous :

i completely agree with teh top 4 at least

Sunday 4 April 2004, by Anonymous :

Tara and Jenny dying are lower than buffy vs. gachnar! it took me a sec to even think of what they meant there. . . oh well

Sunday 4 April 2004, by Kay :

Where the hell is The Prom! I am so annoyed. That was the only scene I ever cried in, apart from The Gift. The people who made this list are so idiotic.

Sunday 4 April 2004, by Lauren J. :

You have got to be joking! spike saved the day should be #1! Why is riley husband even in it?? How about when buffy get turned into a vampire in Nightmares?? that should be on it...

Monday 5 April 2004, by Wolverine68 :

An article I can actually agree with. Buffy Killing Angel & Buffy sacrificing her life to save the world, are the finest moments.

Though to be technical she didn’t kill Angel. He was already dead, lol j/k.

Actually, she didn’t kill him because swords don’t kill vamps, unless of course you use them for decapitating them.

Wednesday 7 April 2004, by bipolar :

5 words - out. for. a. walk... bitch.

Friday 2 July 2004, by meg :

You’re absolutley INSANE not to have added the fourth season episode "wild at heart", when Oz leaves Willow and Sunnydale to find himself. I agree some people are getting pretty tedious about what you didn’t add but COME ON. i cried like a baby!

Tuesday 6 July 2004, by Wesley Windum Qeunton Travers Rupert Giles Price :

this is an example of what the good list looks like

1# When Giles returns in Two to Go
 "I’d like to test that theory"

2# When the gang first meet Caleb
 "So you are the Slayer. The slayer, the strongest, the fastest living thing on this earth"(something like that)then punches Buffy across the room

3# Eppisode ’Enemies’ when Angel says "2nd Best"

4# When Giles sings ’Standing in the way’

5# When Buffy sacrifices her life in ’The Gift’

6# When Giles catches the Bringers axe a centimetre from his face

7# When Spike uses the Champions amulet

8# When Oz says hey to everyone in ’New Moon Rising’

9# When Caleb pokes out Xander’s eye

10# When Buffy kills Angel

These comments are an anwser to this article : 50 Greatest Buffy Moments By Buffy Magazine

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