Monday 5 April 2004, by Anonymous :

"Somebody has to end in a decent relationship because we’ve seen so any of them fall apart." Well, Faith did. See, Joss admits he created and kept the relationship not because it was true too the character. And he admits continuity went to hell in his last ep. He should fix it.

Wednesday 7 April 2004, by Jake :

Yeah, I think he owes us a whole new show.

Hear that Joss!? I want another one! Screw the networks, lobby HBO!

Gimme my Slayerverse.

I will be buying all DVDs with this name on it, oh yes, believe I will... how can they not be making bank on that?

Wednesday 7 April 2004, by Brown :

whoa how to u get this stuff ? are the dvds released anywhere yet ?

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