Tuesday 13 April 2004, by Anonymous :

It makes me sad to say this, because the show actually sounds interesting, but I will not support the WB in anything it does to replace Angel. Can it even be questioned that they’re dumping Angel to make way for their new vampire show?? I don’t think so. I hope Dark Shadows fails and the WB sees the error of their ways. ;)

Tuesday 13 April 2004, by Darth Xander :

"Their trully isn’t anything on tv that’s trully scarry!?. What a joke

Tuesday 13 April 2004, by Anonymous :

Ugh! head firmly shoved up ass! like it could be buffy or angel, even if it wanted to!

and excuse me, but there are actually things on tv that are scary...the angel episode Damage was pretty damn scary!

These comments are an anwser to this article : Making Light of ’Dark Shadows’ (buffy/angel mention)

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