Thursday 15 April 2004, by Joshtek :

"Lesbian fans were outraged, and rightly so."

I disagree. Although I really liked Tara I feel it must be stressed that sacrifice, vengeance and redemption are key themes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Although I am kinda sad that we lost tara, she was not singled out.

Thursday 15 April 2004, by Anonymous :

Good grief, I can even finish reading this article. The author acts as if Tara is the only character to die a violent death. Lets see: Angel got stabbed and sent to hell, Jenny had her neck broken, Buffy drowned and got "electrocuted", Harmony got bitten, Warren got skinned; they all had violent deaths! People really need to stop getting offended so easily, they’d be alot happier I think. Enough already!

Thursday 15 April 2004, by Anonymous :


While I can’t respond very well to the comments about ER, I really have to wonder what the author expected to happen with Willow and Tara? Indeed, Willow and Tara’s relationship was one of the longest on the series. There wasn’t a single relationship that didn’t end in some sort of tragedy, be it Xander and Cordy, Oz, Buffy and Angel, Ms. Caldender, Riley, Spike, Xander and Anya, not to mention the single-episode deals and all the drama in Angel (HITW anyone?). Why should this relationship be special? Is it so fragile that it needs to be specially protected? The only reasonable thing to ask is equality - that these relationships be treated the same - and that’s just what happened. And by the way, as far as I could tell, Kennedy survived and for all we know, she and Willow are still happy together.

As for the other shows, they’re dramas. And nobody wants to watch a show if it’s not dramatic. Even outside the Buffyverse, good relationships rarely survive - they’re not interesting to watch.

Friday 16 April 2004, by Lo :

The fact that tara was killed has nothing to do with her being a lesbian, it was essential for willow’s own little story, Joss Whedon even said that had she still been with Oz then Oz would have been killed.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Dilemma Of Lesbians In Entertainment (willow mention)

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