Thursday 13 May 2004, by Joshtek :

I’m sure X-mens "Have you tried... -not- being a Mutant?" line was based on Buffy’s (well Joyce’s) "I-I mean... have you tried... -not- being a Slayer?" line ;)

Or does that not count since its X2? Ah well, I’ll watch the vid later. Thanks posting this anyway.

Thursday 13 May 2004, by FromSpain :

Did you see the parallelism between that line from X-Men and that line from season 2 becoming part two between Xander and the recently tortured Giles:

Giles: You’re not real.

Xander: Sure, I’m real.

Giles: It’s a trick. They get inside my head, make me see things I want.

Xander: Then why would they make you see me?

Thursday 13 May 2004, by Mia the Vampire Slayer :

I love how for an example of "interracial relationships", instead of showing Giles + Olivia, they show Spike + the BuffyBot! Good movie, though.

Friday 14 May 2004, by syd t. :

Go figure Joss wrote those lines for X-men, they were the best. Stupid people should have kept more and it would have been even better! And yeah, I did love it, but I could have loved it more knowing it was writen by Joss:)

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