Monday 24 May 2004, by Anonymous :

stalker much??

Monday 24 May 2004, by SUSAN :

I think JADEN.... looks just like his dad...Nice photo...

Monday 24 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Mr. Boreanaz - please change the hair!! That colour really does not suit you.

Monday 24 May 2004, by Anonymous :

The shirt he is wearing is so true for him. Italian Stallion he is.

Monday 24 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Little Jaden looks just like a miniature Joss...

Monday 24 May 2004, by Anonymous :

God these people that follow celebs aroud for a living are pathetic. Jeez give it a bloody rest.

Jaden is so bloody adorable though..he’s so damn cute with the gorgeous hair.

David’s looking mighty fine always!

Tuesday 25 May 2004, by coolassang :

I’m so sick of hearing everyone always saying how they don’t want their picture taken or to give them "privacy"!

These celebrities of all kinds (actors, athletes, musicians, etc.) always talk about how much they struggled and worked to get into the business and to "make it", and then as soon as they do, all of the sudden, they are such private people that they have to run from photographers and from fans just for a moment of peace. But if they want to sell a show or a movie, then they seek out any camera they can find, paparazzi or not. Hypocrites...

Maybe if these ungrateful celebrities would actually spend some quality time meeting fans and letting people WHO AREN’T PAYING THEM take some pictures, the paparazzi wouldn’t be offered such enormous amounts of money for a simple "real" picture. They have brought it ALL on themselves. I don’t feel the least bit sorry for any of them, especially DB, who was a freaking dog walker prior to getting "Buffy", so he can just suck it up and earn his damn paycheck now.

If you don’t want everything in your life to be public... quit striving to be famous! Not one single celeb has an excuse for being so hostile to cameras and fans. Yes, there will always be idiots who go too far where they are concerned, but that is the human way anymore. The point is that if celebrities would be more accessible to regular people then it would help their cause in the media. It wouldn’t be such a scoop.

It’s simple supply and demand... increase the supply of these celebs’ faces and such and the demand will decrease. But if they run and hide all the time, then of course people are going to do anything they can to chase them down. Seems as though now, most celebs, actors especially, are too "good" to be dealing with such menial things as people on the street.

So, yea, cry me a river DB... most of these people make more money than all of us on these message boards will ever make COMBINED, and they’re making that much money thanks to all of us, and all we get are dirty looks, and people who think they are far superior than the average person.

I love "Angel", "Buffy", and many other television shows and movies and sports, so I’m not just a celeb-hater, but it really pisses me off to hear other people feeling sorry for these people! PLEASE!!! Trust me, they couldn’t give a rats ass about you or me, but they’ll take the money just the same and then bitch about it at the same time. Just another example of hypocrisy at its best.

Tuesday 25 May 2004, by laura :

david isn’t beautifull with blond hair!!! jaden rayne turned on 2 years old and is so beautifull!!

Tuesday 25 May 2004, by Anonymous :

ohh shut up for once, you’re so annoying.

Tuesday 25 May 2004, by DurangoKid :

Celebrity worship has really gotten out of hand. Is it so wrong for an actor to just want to do a good day’s work and then relax and be a regular guy? How much more should they be expected to give? Granted, they pull down the big bucks, but for how long? A career in acting can be very short. I find it rather irksome that a person should be so shallow and craven that the presence of an actor should cause them to scrape and bow. The age of royalty ended in this country in 1776. I suppose the press is partly to blame. They’ll do anything to get our eyes aimed at advertising. It’s disturbing that everything should become a commodity. Should everything be for sale? Shouldn’t an actor’s face be his own when he’s not on the clock?

I’ve run across celebrities in airports. It was temping to approach them. However, I remember being hassled by Hare Krishna types. I just wanted to go about my business and be left alone.

Celebrities don’t owe me anything. They gave their performance and I paid for it by buying the sponsor’s products or the DVD, VHS, movie ticket, or whatever. We’re even. I’m just as much a person as they are. I don’t see them fawning on me.

Wednesday 26 May 2004, by smitty :

i, too, could live without the pity-party for them. it’s part of a job they want to have, even when it’s sucks. and quit telling people to shut up on here already. it takes a really big person to say shut up and not sign their name, and this is what the boards are for, so deal.

Wednesday 26 May 2004, by CL :

Honestly, I don’t see why these pictures were taken in the first place. While I do like seeing pictures of DB and his family, they WERE on their own private time and frankly, I am just not interested in seeing celebrities out eating lunch and stuff like that. Anybody who is interested in that kind of thing needs to get a life IJMHO.

And, I don’t care if you are famous or a celebrity or rich, you are a person like everybody else, and you deserve your PRIVATE time. I always hear, well they are celebrities, they should have every aspect of their private life scrutinized and shut up about it. Just because somebody is famous, doesn’t mean that they should be treated this way (and no, this ISN’T fan envy, I would feel that way about anybody)

And how do you know that they were annoyed at the photographer? They could of not been feeling well, or were just tired. Besides, it’s not DB punched the guy out (like Chris Martin from Coldplay did) or gave him the finger like Britney Spears did.

Plus, for the record (and to whoever said this), DB has given out free autographs and had his picture taken many, many times WITHOUT being paid, because I have a friend who visited the set this season and he gave them a picture and an autograph.

I agree with whoever said that celebrity worship has gotten out of hand. They are just like us, they have bad and good days, go to work, raise families, etc., etc. and should be treated as such IJMHO.

Thursday 27 May 2004, by Anonymous :

he is just sexy ! and I´ve got the same Cellphone... lol

Friday 28 May 2004, by kennedy :

it’s funny to hear all of you talking about them deserving their private time, and how they should be treated like normal people who go to work, then come home to a normal life… sorry, no matter what you say, they aren’t “normal” people because they go out of their way not to be “normal” when it suits them, then go back in their shell when it doesn’t. yes, people go too far for pictures and go past the line of being rude, but when you make such large amounts of money and live so extravagantly, then people will be curious and want to see how they live. true, they deserve privacy at the doctor and lawyer and with personal information, etc., but as far as snapping pictures go, that is their product they make money off of… if you sell it, then all bets are off. so, if you had to put up with photogs following you around all the time, would you take $500,000 to $5,000,000 a year and deal with it??? from the looks of all the “reality tv” crap, probably. real “normal” people will never know what it’s like to be able to go buy a new house, remodel it completely, furnish it with all the best designer items… this is why celebrities making millions will never be normal; not until they show up on “Where Are They Now” and have gone back to living on a limited income. no, it doesn’t excuse the actions of those who cross the line, but in today’s world of multimedia and newsmedia overexposure, i agree with the statement that these people know what they are getting into. that doesn’t mean some things shouldn’t be changed; just that, even with the photogs about all the time, these are still not “normal” problems addressed by the rest of the world. someone even said he was not interested in seeing pictures of celebrities eating out, etc., and yet, here he is… posting on a link with pictures that he’s not interested in seeing on a site that is all about celebrity worship! if everybody wanted them to have privacy, you’d never see 99% of the pictures that show up on here! i assume then, too, that not ONE single person posting about them being “normal” deserving privacy, like you and me, has EVER purchased The Enquirer, The Star, People, Entertainment Weekly, etc.; what was it someone said about hypocrisy?

Friday 28 May 2004, by coolassang :

I love pissing people off; they’re too predictable… oh, so annoying… oh, no!!! hahahahahahahaha!

There is a lot of courage in speaking your mind, actually signing a name to it & even giving an e-mail for further discussion; luckily I learned that lesson as a child. It’s too bad more people can’t be confident enough to debate politely without falling back on name calling. In my opinion, this is something greatly missed in today’s society. It’s a lot of whining and complaining, but not much to back it up. On the same note, get out and vote this year! No matter what your vote, make sure it counts!

Oh, sorry, was that too annoying for you, too? My bad… hahahahahahahaha!

And by the way, none of you know what DB gets paid to do and what he doesn’t… I’m betting he gets paid for a lot more than he doesn’t… I mean, come on, he is hot commodity now… his career is going to skyrocket now, just like SMG’s when she was ready to get out… maybe he’ll take FPJ’s role in Scooby Doo 3!! hahahahahahaha!

Tuesday 1 June 2004, by DurangoKid :

There seems to be some confusion between image and person. It’s DB’s image we see on the tube. It’s his person we see walking the dog or pumping gas. He makes his living portraying an image. The unfortunate thing is that the corporate media are trying to squeeze every last cent out of his image by deliberately blurring the distinction between him and his image. More unfortunate are the droves of lemming-like humans who can’t make the distinction and line up for an endless stream of corporate media pap and the advertising that comes with it. The men in suits tightly control all of this. I’d rather focus my attention to the craft of story telling that seems to get lost in the noise and confusion.

Wednesday 2 June 2004, by Anonymous :

ha. you didn’t piss me off, not at all.. and talking smack on some website is not sure making YOU look any better, sir.


have a great day!

Sunday 25 July 2004, by Lyn :

Honestly, I don’t care about these celebrities. I don’t know them, they don’t know me, so any stupid pity party they want me to have with them about the paps is just not gonna happen. Yeah they have their pictures taken. So? Oh wow, so painful. I sorta understand about the whole private thing, but there are things one can do to make sure you don’t have 3000 people clicking at you when you’re doing your really important things. Keep them at home. I’m sorry that having 8 million dollars means you can’t have your kid’s birthday party at McDonalds, but deal. You have 8 million dollars. I couldn’t care less about what their favorite cereal is, so personally I want the paps gone for another reason. They’re stupid and they waste space. And like someone said there are ways for a celeb to avoid this, be known. Get out there and do stuff ALL THE TIME. Jerry Seinfield is known for being VERY nice to paps. Why? Because he knows that if it’s extremely easy to get a photo, it isn’t worth money. So they won’t take as many. But then again, most celebs aren’t known for being brilliant.

Sorry about the long response, but i needed to get it off my chest.

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