Thursday 27 May 2004, by Vampy McVamp :

k, i DO want the whedonverse to continue as much as the next angel/buffy junkie but a animated buffy series???? WTF.. i dont want to watch no damn cartoon!! i know joss has been talking about this for awhile with his TV buddies but this is poop! i want a REAL spin-off! the voice overs arnt even gunna be done by the real cast(probably) and the cartoon is gunna be aimed at a younger demographic, therefore all the things we love about angel/buffy will be turned up side call this continuing the whedonverse??? hardly

Thursday 27 May 2004, by Anonymous :

I think this looks promising, plus how can you say that the cast will ’probably’ not do their charactures when it says that alison is, right there in the article???

Thursday 27 May 2004, by Anonymous :

I agree with you re: the cartoon. Buffy is for adults, not kids. I’m in my thirties and just a little too old to be watching cartoons. I’d rather Buffyverse just end like it did then be reduced to this level. Good grief!

Thursday 27 May 2004, by Anonymous :

most of the cast will probably do it (voice work does not take up much of one’s schedule), except for, of course, SMG --- only the STAR......

it’s probably gonna be set pre-s1, or maybe during it, so they’ll be able to make it kid-friendly. but joss doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that would turn his relatively dark series into a kid’s show......

what’s really gonna determine this is how they plan to market it. i mean, is it gonna be a saturday-morning cartoon, or maybe shoot for prime-time? i think the best way to go would be a basic-cable channel like cartoon network or sci-fi or something. that would probably allow the most creative freedom.

Thursday 27 May 2004, by Primeval :

Well, I for one liked the "Batman beyond" series. Wasn’t to kiddie, wasn’t too serious. I’m hopeing buffy te animated series will be just as good.

Thursday 27 May 2004, by Faith :

I’d love to have it start after "Chosen". That way, they don’t necessarily have to have SMG there for every episode. She could just do some episodes. And like most people said, voice-work is pretty easy, so hopefully she’d agree to doing some episodes. I don’t think it’d be the same without the actual Buffy there some of the time.

I definitely don’t want to see, or rather, hear someone else playing as Buffy. It wouldn’t feel right.

It’s great they have everyone else though! ^_^

I think it’d be better if they put it on the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim lineup. There it would have less of a chance of being ’kiddified’, which I would hate to see happen.

But I trust Joss, even though he has a tendancy to break our hearts with the characters. He’s certainly earned it after all this time.

Friday 28 May 2004, by pconaty :

I am a 41 year old female Buffy/Angel fan and I would definitely watch and tape an animated Buffy show. With or without SMG. I understand her wanting to move on and she has to do what’s best for her. But we fans want more Buffyverse! Any way we can get it!

Friday 28 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Jesus H. Christ, have you people ever heard of Manga, Anime, Adult Swim... Toons arn’t just for kiddies anymore. I’d love to see what Joss could do in animation. Smaller Buget+ Less Limitations= MEWATCHY

Friday 28 May 2004, by Anonymous :

I’ve heard Joss talk about the cartoon; he has mentioned it will give them a chance to do all the especially crazy-big stories that aren’t possible with live-action because of budget limitations, or aren’t possible with live-action at all. How many of you people griping about Buffy becoming a cartoon watch The Simpsons or Family Guy without even thinking about it? Plus, if the Buffyverse can kick ass in comics, and it does, why not cartoons? Ye of little faith ;) Try to appreciate that good work can appear in all sorts of mediums. Pre-judging the contents of a particular show based on a bias about its medium is unfair. p.s. they got a stand-in to do Buffy’s voice on the gamecube/ps2 game and she was pretty damn close to the real thing, so..!

Friday 28 May 2004, by voorhees :

Hmm I know I’m more or less repeating whats already been said but....five years ago if I’d have posted here saying ’Joss plans to do an episode of Buffy where 29 minutes of it has no dialouge at all’ or if I’d have said ’Joss is gonna do a musical Buffy’ people would piss and moan about how that sounds terrible. Why not save bashing the animated show until it’s..umm..shown. Surely after all these years we have learned we can trust Joss?

Friday 28 May 2004, by soule :

Im 30 years old and am in 2 minds with the Buffy animation, if it is done well then yes I am interested in it.

I will not be watching it just because its connected to Buffy, if it is done as well as the BTVS seasons then hell yes who cares whether its animated or film.

I just hope its not aimed at the kiddie audience.

Tuesday 1 June 2004, by Anonymous :

I’d love an animated version, as long as they were true to the characters, Joss was at the helm, and it CANNOT be aimed at kids. Jossverse was never aimed at little kids, and just because it’s animated, they better not tone anything down.

Tuesday 1 June 2004, by Anonymous :

From the snippets floating around, it probably IS aimed at kids, though. Monster of the week show set during S1, a la Scooby Doo. Which is not a bad thing in itself, of course, it’s just not of much interest to anyone over the age of 12. Unless they’re really hungover, when it’s ideal.

Sunday 4 July 2004, by Anonymous :

I am 11 years old and a buffy freak so if they aim at kiddies it’s fine with me as long as they don’t have typical villians with no personality. Imagine Glory,The Mayor or Dark Willow with no personality *shudder*. Anyway any news if it would air in Auatralia because i don’t wanna download the episodes.

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