Friday 11 June 2004, by Billie V. : Go cheesy Hollywood ad! Go!Saturday 12 June 2004, by Matt : OOOH! Pretty. This gets me all giddy.Saturday 12 June 2004, by Anonymous : I like it, and yet...did anyone else get the first impression that the Firefly-class ship was shaped like...something else? Something that was trying to fill the big black void?Saturday 12 June 2004, by Anonymous : Joss and his pennis metaphors...Saturday 12 June 2004, by Anonymous : The ship looks like a penisSaturday 12 June 2004, by Anonymous : Yep, my thoughts exactly, A big flying penis. Nice JOSS.Sunday 13 June 2004, by Anonymous : nothing can defeat the penis!These comments are an anwser to this article : Firefly’s Serenity Movie - Teaser Poster Photo