Saturday 4 September 2004, by spuffyfan :

Does anyone know where the second picture came from? I would greatly appreciate it.

Saturday 4 September 2004, by SUZY Q :

SARAH GELLAR just looks so strange with Dark hair....even tho in the begining of Buffy her hair was Dark...She went blonde so quickly that I cant see her in any other way...some people just suit be-ing blonde more than others.And Sarah just looks great being blonde....( not meaning the stigma that goes with being blonde)lolol

Sunday 5 September 2004, by Anonymous :

I agree that Sarah looks better with dark hair. It does suit her more. She looks fine with blonde hair but only when it’s a darker shade like in the 1st, first half in season 2, 5 and 6. I didn’t think she looked right with really blonde hair like she had in season 3, 4, and 7.

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