Wednesday 8 September 2004, by Anonymous :

Awesome news about X-men if true.. I’m not sure if I buy the superman thing though, but Jesus indeed was a super man. Sorry, it’s early and I couldn’t resist.

Friday 10 September 2004, by SUZY Q :

Sounds terrific to me....

Friday 10 September 2004, by Chase M. :

Oh god, I-I think I just had an orgasm.

Tremendous! ;-D

Saturday 11 September 2004, by Anonymous :

Wow! this guy is NEVER gonna get any peace! (and that was not a complaint!) thank God he will be ablt to continue painting wonderful canvasses in the form of movies... everything he directs is great! (aside from "Chosen" but hes forgiven for that, as Buffy was kind of his baby, and i suppose he had a right to get a bit sappy :)) but this is great news! yay!

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