Friday 8 October 2004, by Anonymous :

NOOOOO James! You have better judgment than that! Stay away from The Mountain.

Friday 8 October 2004, by Hallie :

Bleh, now I have to watch ’The Mountain.’ Oh, well. At least it sounds like a good role for him....*sigh*....

Friday 8 October 2004, by SUSAN :

I dont even know/or even seen this show"The Mountain"?? And James is in it...GOD DAMM...

Friday 8 October 2004, by Marcus :

Well, I was hoping to James on the small screen again. However, I was praying he would be bleach blond and toothy, but "The Mountain" will have to do.

Well done bub. I’ll be there.

Friday 8 October 2004, by aerialla :

I try to stay as far away from the WB as I can (I’m one of the bitter ones damnit). For James I would watch anything just to see his face again on my TV screen.

Friday 8 October 2004, by Anonymous :

hey maybe if you jossholes squint really hard you can pretend it is the Angel movie you will never get!!!!

Saturday 9 October 2004, by Anonymous :

Marsters won’t be playing Blondie Bear but he will be playing somebody ,so I will be there.

Saturday 9 October 2004, by angeljitsu :

Am I the only one who is sticking to not watching the wb after the last angel aired,sorry James I miss you and spike alot,but im sticking to banning the wb.

Saturday 9 October 2004, by Anonymous :

I have confidence that James can make any role excellent. The WB may be very lax in the taste department, but at least they know how good James is, and that he should be on camera.

Saturday 9 October 2004, by Jackie :

NOOOOOOO I miss James Marsters too but im not that desperate into watching him in the mountain ON THE WB!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 10 October 2004, by Pandora :

A job! Good for you James! Only... what exactly is "The Mountain" about? It’s not on German TV and so far I haven’t even heard about it. Anyway, if James is going to be in it - I’ll watch it ( you gonna bring it online?) But there have to be other (better and long term) gigs for him to do - hope he’ll get something soon!

Tuesday 12 October 2004, by Rick :

I find this news to be very amusing. An over rated actor, by some at least, in a dismal show, on a network that allowed its former president to destroy it. I guess some may think its a good thing that JM is back on tv, albeit temporarily but I find it interesting that the character he is playing isn’t that far from what he’s known for. Can you say typecast? I can.

These comments are an anwser to this article : James Marsters To Guest In The Mountain

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