Sunday 15 February 2004, by Anonymous :

I am interested by your comparison with Angel. There is a distinct difference between the human and the vampire ("the vampire you see murdered your friend"). Murderous Angelus vs. guilty Angel. Evil Spike vs. — confused Spike? repentant Spike?... not guilty Spike. Angel takes on Angelus’ behaviour he feels particular guilt over another’s actions; he must make it up (I help the helpless) whereas Spike seems to feel that vampire Spike’s actions cannot be redeemed by en-souled Spike re: Nikki Wood; "those were the rules and we played by them"). Spike’s attempts at striving for meaningful redeemption are problematic, but at least they seem anchored in the here and now. And let’s face it, didn’t The First use images of the dead on Angel to orchestrate Buffy’s murder / Angel’s suicide? Angel bears the guilt of his human, vampire and ensouled vampire life. Spike bears the guilt of the his chip restricted actions; attempted rape of Buffy - not the murder of Nikki or the Asian Slayer.

Tuesday 16 March 2004, by Anonymous :

i think u don’t understand "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" meaning. there is no good characters and no bad characters! everybody can be good or bad, even Buffy!

Tuesday 16 March 2004, by sicklittlemonky :

I am an avid Spike fan, I will admit, but I agreed with most of the observations in this article. However, I don’t believe the comparison between Spike and Angel is entirely fair. Once he moved to his own show, Angel has shown his ability to be vicious and violent with humans if he needs to be. Lindsey and Leila wouldn’t be as managable if they weren’t genuinely afraid that he would hurt them, as he has threatened to kill them several times. And lets not forget when Angel tried to kill Wesley in his hospital bed in S3! When the mood strikes him, Angel can threaten to kill people too, so I think that Spike’s angry reaction to Wood’s attempt to murder him was understandable and justified. (though I agree Buffy’s was unnecessary)

Monday 12 April 2004, by Anonymous :

yyou know she got it wrong about Spike’s reasons for the trials he endured that led to his regaining his soul, he didn’t go there with the intention of getting a soul so she’d lve him..he wanted to have the chip removed out of anger and fustration of her rejection..he wanted to give her what she desreved, which meant a pissed off Spike wanted to kill her...or did he? that demon that gave him his soul saw thru that hatred and new what Spike really wanted was be able to love her...hense gve him the soul...

Tuesday 11 May 2004, by Anonymous :

"he didn’t go there with the intention of getting a soul so she’d lve him..he wanted to have the chip removed out of anger and fustration of her rejection..he wanted to give her what she desreved, which meant a pissed off Spike wanted to kill her..."

Spike did not need to get the chip out to kill Buffy. Does no one remember Smashed? Spike’s chip did not work on Buffy anymore. He could’ve (tried) killed her anytime he wanted.

Sunday 4 July 2004, by Anonymous :

The arguments here are over-reaching and there appears to be a lot of subjectivity. Is this author fairly young?

These comments are an anwser to this article : Where Angels Fear to Tread: The Buffy-Spike Relationship

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