Wednesday 10 November 2004, by Anonymous :

if the region 2 dvd has Spike on the front im not buyin it. Not even Cordy has had that pleasure.

Wednesday 10 November 2004, by Eddie :

I agree, the shows called Angel, not Angel and Spike. He has no right to be there.

Wednesday 10 November 2004, by adis723 :

Actually Cordy was on the cover art for the Region 2, Season 1 boxed set.

Wednesday 10 November 2004, by Anonymous :

The whole season focused on comedy about the duo pair. I think it fits perectly for the two souled vampires to be together on what will probably be the last time we’ll ever have the pleasure of seeing them together. I think they make great best friends, enemies, and partners. Angel and his best buddy Spike! :-)

Wednesday 10 November 2004, by Anonymous :

The cover looks awesome. People should stop moaning about it. Spike was very important in BtVS and he was very important in AtS.

Wednesday 10 November 2004, by Anonymous :

"I agree, the shows called Angel, not Angel and Spike. He has no right to be there."

The first four seasons weren’t called Angel and Cordy, were they? So by that logic, Charisma didn’t belong on the covers, either.

I have no problem with Spike being on there (I’d assumed all along that he would be). The picture of him is maybe a little too big, and I was kinda hoping they’d use purple as the major color (orange? ugh), but otherwise, I like it. :)

Wednesday 10 November 2004, by Anonymous :


Wednesday 10 November 2004, by CMK :

I think Cordelia should’ve been used for this boxset. Even if she only appeared in one episode, putting Spike on the cover messes up the entire flow of the Angel boxset series.

Thursday 11 November 2004, by martheev :

Personally, im going to buy this (eventually) because i like the series, NOT because of whos on the cover.

Its a good show, who really cares whos on the cover? With all due respect, some people are a little too picky.

Thursday 11 November 2004, by Jaime :

Mmmm... My two favorite vampires together forever... I like it!!

Thursday 11 November 2004, by Anonymous :

i didnt even like season 5 except from the Fred story. im so sick of Spike Spike Spike, im glad Angel finished at season 5 that insipid contrieved blondie Spike ruined both shows.

Thursday 11 November 2004, by wiccapalooza :

i have no problem with it... even though i argee that cordy’s been on it for the last 4... she only appears once in the whole season... you just cant have angel by himslef... so i think spike is great... and worth being on there

Thursday 11 November 2004, by SUSAN :

The cover art for season 5 looks great....ANGEL & SPIKE together...and looking good.....Cant wait for this when it comes out...EAGER BEAVER

Thursday 11 November 2004, by Anonymous :

I personally think its very nice, though i prefer the region 2 DVD’s in layout etc etc...but this one’s a nice ethereal looking cover- very nicely put together. and come on! people actually buy the DVD for its cover? how vacuous are you!

Thursday 11 November 2004, by William :

Cordy being on the previous DVD’s i can understand because she was a major player on the show for the past four years (although i feel that other characters such as Wesley and Gunn should have gotten on the cover instead of just Angel and Cordy).But Spike has only been there for one season.If your argument is that Spike was important to both shows then what about Wesley, Gunn,Lorne,Fred,Xander,Willow,Giles? Why for the last season of Buffy should it be just Spike and Buffy on the cover and for Angel’s last season the same thing? The ignoring of other characters to focus on Spike is part of the reason why i hate him so much.

Thursday 11 November 2004, by William :

It made sense for Cordy to be on the the previous covers because she has been a major part of Angel for the past four seasons (however i feel it should not have been just her and Angel, Wesley,Gunn and the others could have been used as well). However Spike has been on Angel for one season and is on the final season’s DVD while Wesley, Gunn, Fred and lorne are not. Spike may have been important to both shows but so were all the characters i named above and (for Buffy) Xander,Willow and Giles. The ignoring of other characters to focus on Spike is part of the reason i hate him so much.

Thursday 11 November 2004, by I live in a fantasy world :

Poor Spike. Do you think he beat up all the Whedonverse people and forced himself on the cover? Oh wait, maybe he bit them! OOORRRR, maybe Joss wanted him there? Hmmm. I wonder. Maybe we should beat up Joss for choosing Spike to be with Angel on the cover. It’s not like it was his show or anything. I think we fans should get to decide all. How dare they?

Thursday 11 November 2004, by Anonymous :

Actually cordy was not on the region 2 season 1 cover art. I agree that it should only be Angel on the cover as putting Spike on there only suggests that he made the show better which is far from the truth.

Friday 12 November 2004, by angeljem :

Knew Spike was gonna be on it, but still peeves me a little that his pic is the same size as Angel’s. Cordy was always smaller, shouldn’t be different for Spike! Orange i don’t mind cause if u think of how it looks lining them all up in order, it fits in. (red,blue,yellow,green,orange)

Can’t wait to see what the inside art will be when i get my copy in feb!

Friday 12 November 2004, by Truth :

Please, I’d have rather had Angel cancelled with Season 4 than have had Spike the Rapist on it.

Friday 12 November 2004, by Anna :

"Please, I’d have rather had Angel cancelled with Season 4 than have had Spike the Rapist on it."

If you didn’t watch S5 because you don’t understand that Spike was redeemed through his soul just like Angel was at the end of Buffy S2 and this creates perfect parallels between the two chararcters then I pity you. On the other hand at least you’re making a decision based on something relevant to the show rather than a marketing ploy. However, that doesn’t change my initial point that Spike is what saved Angel from cancellation because he’s incredibly popular with most fans and it makes sense to have him feature prominently on the DVD boxset.

Friday 12 November 2004, by Pandora: Isabell :

And yet again I have to say it - people get a life!!!! You know, it’s one thing to say ’Yeah, I don’t like Spike’ bla bla bla, but all you people do is to get really personal with things like ’Spike the rapist’. That’s just reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaally sad. All right, I would’ve prefered a ’team-cover-art’ for the last season just like many of you but hey! it’s all about the marketing stuff and ’how-can-we-make-people-buy-more’. Duh! it most probably wasn’t James going to them and demanding to be put on the cover like this.

And to say it just all over again... with the addition of Spike the show didn’t turn all around focusing on Spike. Did all the suffering of Angel and his deep thoughts and fears (yes also towards Spike the other vamp with a soul) go by you without being recognized? The show was all about Angel and his sudden and maybe even grounded fear of not being all special anymore. To suddenly have to share or compete over something he thought to be his in the end! (Shanzshu just being one example)

But to not let the show fall again into the deep, dark well of over all depression (like season 4 was to me!) there were the most enjoyable, comical encounter between Angel and Spike to loosen things up - and it worked. At least for the main crowd - of course there always have to be people bitching around. It’s ok to say: Hey, I didn’t like it! but to get all personal over it is damn childish and ignorant.

Ok, finished rambling. And don’t turn all childish on me now, ok? We are all FANS - we should act like those and appreciate all the actors’ work on the show. Period.

Friday 12 November 2004, by Anonymous :

The only problem with the cover is that the pictures are way to big, Angels head isn’t in it all the way. Everyone is saying angel this fred that gunn this wes that spike this. only a couple people mentioned Lorne and noone mentioned Harmony they’re main characters too, Lorne since the VERY VERY beginning of season 2, and just a little tid-bit the character in the "Buffyverse" the longest was Harmony(she was in the UNAIRED pilot of Buffy and in the last episode of Angel)

Saturday 13 November 2004, by Keep Talking :

Take Angel off the cover. It should be just Spike. Just joking. Everyone needs to lighten up a bit. After all, you can’t judge a dvd set by it’s cover.

Saturday 13 November 2004, by Anonymous :


Saturday 13 November 2004, by Debbie :

Oh my god, who the hell cares who’s on the cover or not!?! The box could be plain black or pink with yellow polka-dots and I’d still buy it, and so would anybody else who isn’t a petty whinger. If you are buying it for the cover and not what COUNTS (i.e. the episodes and featurettes) then complain... otherwise put a sock in it.

And for the record, Cordelia was the main co-star, so it’d make sense that she’d be on the cover, just like with Spike in the 5th season.

Saturday 13 November 2004, by Angel Aficionado :

Here’s a nifty solution to your problems for you whineass guys out there, buy Photoshop and some empty DVD cases and design your own cover sleeves, then get some high gloss card, print your design on that and fold it up into a case! A simple, if pricey solution, now: calm down, its just a DVD case, let’s focus our energy on more important things, like MAKING Joss write a new show, after he’s done on Serenity.

BTW: Good point on the Harmony thing, I’ve tried to explain that to people, but they just won’t listen

Monday 22 November 2004, by Serenity :

Mhhh Spangel goodness! I loved season 5 largely due to David and James’s outstanding chemistry , not to mention the angst and witty banter the characters shared all season long. So great to see them on the cover together.

Wednesday 24 November 2004, by Zach :

The cover art is great and I can’t wait for it to be released!!

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