Saturday 20 November 2004, by SUSAN :

Those two pictures of Sarah Gellar standing on stage by her self..With Photographers out in the distance..That picture just blew my mind.All that for 1 person.Thats so Unbelieveable...and... scary.

Saturday 20 November 2004, by Anonymous :

In response to Susan: obviously, it wasn’t just for one person - it was some sort of MTV function, so there obviously must have been some more people there. Since SMG is popular in the UK as well as in the US, if they get a good picture of her, it might mean much more money for them and the company they work for. From what I gather newspapers/online publishings/etc. don’t actually cover events (in pictures at least), so pictures are either donated or bought from a photo company, such as, and I’d wager that most of that attention works for companies such as Getty - and hence with all the photographers.

Sunday 21 November 2004, by Anonymous :

still though, i get what Susan means i was looking at this and was just dumbfounded, even if it wasnt all for her just felt like you were getting a small glimpse of something huge. It looked a little surreal, like a movie.

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