Tuesday 15 February 2005, by Anonymous :

DAVID BOREANAZ: All I did was give her a ring or something. a ring or something ! HELLO! BUFFY SEASON two the claggagh ring! Argh david doesn’t realize his own importance…………….

Tuesday 15 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Wow..They seem kind of..Idk..o_O They don’t sound too thrilled about the whole experience..Weird..*Shrugs*

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by nmcil :

Thanks for bringing us this interview - it is always such a pleasure to hear from these two wonderful men. We can never have too much informmation on how Joss Whedon and his great creative staff made all this possible.

Especially, now that we have such a long wait for Serenity, the interviews and articles are great to read.

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by BlusSinger :

He was referring to his last appearance on Buffy in the S7 finale when he brought the amulet (not ring) that Spike eventually wore. But it’s interesting that he downplays that last appearance so much!

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Anonymous :

He’s talking about the amulet in Chosen. He doesn’t seem to interested in the Buffy/Angel relationship does he. Guess he’s moved on like Angel did. Very healthy.

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Lightess :

LOL Angel gave Buffy an amulet! Not a ring... that was seasons ago and it wasn’t magic that burned poor Spike to a crisp! I don’t want a movie David... I want our promissed S6!!!!! *glare* but if we have to settle for a movie.. then its better than nothing. *looks around* now where is that movie you speak of???

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Dur :

I thought the reference he was making was in regards to showing up at the end of the Series/Season 7 since that what James was talking about (You came back and filmed a scene remember?") in regards to tying up the ends of who Buffy would eventually end up with and that SPike was just sex while she truly loved Angel. So I was even more amused that he didn’t remember what he gave her - since it was the amulet SPike eventually wore to save the world (and some background info on the First from W&H - which I personally would have loved ot have seen/heard them read it - maybe that’s where the info about the First coming corpeal when its army outnumbered humans came from (i.e. that’s how Buffy was originally going to kill it - when it became corporeal, but as is she didn’t beat the First - just stopped its plans for then...anyway, he didn’t remember what he gave her! ANd it’s even how SPike came back in Season 5...so not really a tid bit only a Fan would know...though I realize as actors there is no way they keep up with all the details we fans do. And too bad about D.B. basically shunning anything other than a big creen movie. I personally would much rather have a series of mini-series or Movies of the Week - far more you can do with it than a 90 minute theatrical release which would skip so much to be "accessible to the general public" who never mae these things the hits they are anyway...it’s the very attnetion to detail and deep, story arcs that get people into it,not simplistic storylines that anyone can pick up on in one movie...anyoen think he’s just going for the money or prestige of headlining a feature film rather than truly caring about the characters and a far more detailed storyline?

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Anonymous :

It is not uncommon for Actors being so caught up in drawing from within themselves to create their performance,that their experience of it differs from what the viewing audience takes away. Hence, both David and James not be aware that Buffy and Spike are the real item. OTOH, maybe that is their way of saying "Silly Bint" ,you can have her.

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by SUSAN :

That was a real DEEP MAN..Sounds like the person who was doing the interviewing wanted some nitty gritty about the fans and was a bit rude some times .....But David and James had fun being deep and Fucking A1....Sad that the disission is final and no more Angel unless its a big screen feature...oh well .....Im off to the Horse racing....Byeee...lololololol

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Orpheus :

Heh! They’re funny. ^_^

I really wish David didn’t come off as ’too good’ for what made him, but he does. James too.

Oh well, they’re moving on and that’s fine. I wish they would be a little more open to doing something in the Whedonverse again though.

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Get OVER it. yeah, he was talking about the amulet he was JOKING by downplaying it...

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Anonymous :

What exactly are you reading into this:

DAVID BOREANAZ: Well you know Angel’s forte of going on and taking off and leaving her crying by the ambulance.

DAVID BOREANAZ: I just think that over those years, though his radar was subject to picking up something a bit different maybe. I don’t know, but ultimately it’s really still up in the cards I think.

JAMES MARSTERS: I know but it was pretty clear that was true love whereas I was just really good sex. You were just a blow in.

JAMES MARSTERS: She used me like a tramp.

How is this in favour of either Angel or Spike being with Buffy? Seems like the Bangels are the ones that are twisting meanings. If anything, this dialogue makes Buffy a bitch, Spike someone she used and Angel someone that continuously abandoned Buffy. Hint guys: The actors could care less who Buffy ends up with...and more often then not they don’t have a clue outside of the dialogue they memorized wtf was going on.

Thursday 17 February 2005, by Sarah :

All you people need to get a damn life. Also, and I quote The Almighty here,

"Spike and Angel; they were hanging out for years and years and years. They were all kinds of deviant. Are people thinking they never... ? Come on, people! They’re opened-minded guys!"

- Joss Whedon, commentary to A Hole in the World

That’s right, bitches. All your bases belong to us!!!

Thursday 17 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Do you really want someone to quote the "Chosen" commentary? If you’re going to take JM’s words as gospel, you might as well do the same for DB’s...

Thursday 17 February 2005, by Anonymous :

I wonder when exactly this interview was held?

Thursday 17 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Spuffy Person here and James’s comments don’t bother me in the least. And David Boreanaz doesn’t seem to sure about Buffy being Angel’s true love.. in fact in an interview after ATS ended when asked who was Angel’s true love: He said " The question has yet to be answered." David has also said many Anti Bangel things over the years.. including in season 3 of ATS claiming that Buffy was now just a girl Angel knew and that there was no more story between the two. So as seen Actor’s my have their opinions but thats all they are: OPINIONS. Not fact.

In fact What James says here goes directly against what Joss Whedon himself has said... James Claims Buffy never loved Spike. Joss has stated that Buffy loved Spike when she told him she loved him. James said Buffy thought of Spike as a friend, and yet Joss has come out and stated that in season 7 Buffy and Spike had a "grown up and romantic and confusing relaitonship that wasn’t about power but that was genuinely beautiful." Thats more then friendship.. hell Joss said that the flaming handclasp was their ROMANTIC symbol and they had a love theme that year..thats more then friendship. James although an amazing actor and sounds like a great guy has been wrong several times.. in fact he at a con stated that Spike never loved Fred.. Joss again contradicts that in the season 5 DVDS by saying that Angel and Spike had one thing in common: They loved Fred. James’s word is not gospel truth. He’s an actor and while his opinion is interesting.. it’s not FACT.

Thursday 17 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Well if we’re going to take James’s words as absolute truth can we do the same with DB.

Season 3 of ATS DB did an interview: DB: "Buffy’s pretty much out of the picture. they’ve played their storyline and thats just past. Buffy’s just past. Theres no more story here for those two. Buffy isn’t Angel’s 1st priority anymore. In season 1 and 2 of the show she was always in the back of his mind, well now it’s all about other things and Buffy well she’s just a person Angel used to know.. And like every good story it came to an end.

Another interview DB gave: DB: If you actually saw these two (Buffy and Angel) together it would be so different.. it probably wouldn’t even work.

Jeffery Bell gave an interview: "My Thoughts are that Angel is an adult. I think he and Buffy came to a place and you got a sense of this near the end of Buffy where they were like "We love eachother but the way things are now it ain’t going to work out. We’re adults so lets move ahead with our lives."

It seems even Jeffery Bell had a drastically different view of the events in Chosen then James did. Where James saw a confirmation of ’true love’ the writer and co executive producer of ATS believes it was a confirmation that while they love eachother it’s not going to work out for them (At least for now) and so they are moving on.

So yes While James is a great actor and an amazing person (From what I hear) it doesn’t mean that his comments are what Joss and the others writers feel. They are just his opinions and thats all.

Thursday 17 February 2005, by Anonymous :

James has his own opinion. He’s entitled to it.. but in no way does that mean he speaks for Joss and the rest of the writers. In fact The writers have said many things that are the exact opposite of what James has stated.

DB has said numerous negative things about Bangel in the past: Including saying that Buffy was just a girl Angel used to know and that even if they did get together it would be so different.. it probably wouldn’t even work out. So if we are to take the actor’s words as absolute truth then we must also do the same for David. And in an interview he gave after ATS ended he said that the question about who Angel’s true love was had yet to be answered. So right there we see that even James and David disagree.

Friday 18 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Please, enough with the outdated quotes. Ofcourse there’s going to be B/A quotes, they were together from Season 1-3. No one’s denying that. The rest of us are annoyed that B/Aers are antagonizing the rest of us with your little "spuffy weirdos" and "what do the spuffies have to say to that" and "we win!" comments. It’s making you ALL come off as childish.

These comments are an anwser to this article : David Boreanaz & James Marsters - Phase9.tv Questions & Answers

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