Monday 21 February 2005, by Sharon Draughn :

I felt like they didn’t give Angel a chance. David could have made it a great show and the the way it was ended was ended was all wrong. David deservered better than all of that and also the cast. I wish you would bring Angel back!

Sincerely Fan,

Sharon Draughn

Monday 21 February 2005, by SUSAN :

I Liked the interview...Sounds like hes pleased with how things went...if You cant be true to your self,how can you ever be true to your fans....Its a shame Angel finished I would of liked 1 more season but hay it was his disission and his time to do other things..And he has,hes made quite a few movies since Angel...David is open with the whole sex thing(ice cream on a womens nipples).I laughted at that...But ending on Angel,I do hope one day he will do a Angel movie...Ill be first in line for a ticket....(Reunions wouldnt work sounds tacky so I agree with David there.)..

Monday 21 February 2005, by Anonymous :

About the first post. And still there are people who wonders why are so many anorexic teens. DB has the apparence of a healthy, very handsome man. I’m tired of seeing people who apparently are starving, and we are supposed to take them as beauty models. I like to see a man who looks like a healthy adult, not an anorexic teen. I like the interview. He seems like a good person.

Monday 21 February 2005, by alyson :

He’s gorgeous .He really is an interesting guy, honest and nice. love this pictures hmmm ... who want some ice cream ??

Monday 21 February 2005, by Anonymous :

It’s kind of sad he doesn’t stay in touch with old cast members. You’d sort of assume after 8 years alltogether they’d have been close enough friends to spend time after "work."

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by Muse :

David B. is a guy I have alot of respect for the more I read his interviews... people knock him and like to point out how "Angel made him", etc. as if he owes something to keep playing Angel- who the same fans would love to simply see as Spike’s sidekick forever- for the rest of his career. I think that when the fans see someone who dont have the intensity and passion for the Joss-universe that they do, they cant accept it. Boreanaz is right, a reunion would be BAD. tell me the reunion tv movie that was good. if it came out, its possible that it would be bad, and then you’d all have something else to whine about... I’ll tell you what, maybe a 7 hour movie about Spike becoming human and marrying Buffy will come on, and the lot of you can relax and get on with things.

Wednesday 23 February 2005, by Muse :

I wasn’t joking- and you didnt tell me anything I didn’t know, but I’m glad you posted that interview. Marsters is right, and I love Spike as a character too, and am not partial or biased as a fan, but the blind worship of Spike is just annoying. I’ve heard so many fans just say "Spike should get the shanshu, because Spike is awesome!" Bad reasoning. Buffy is always going to love Angel, I’m sorry he isn’t as charismatic and witty as Spike.

Thursday 24 February 2005, by cutie_tart :

Ohhhh next time i c him i’ll definately have ice cream. That really turns me on. Is it just me or is his right eye smaller that the other? naa just me.

Saturday 12 March 2005, by Spikeannoysme :

I agree. Spike finds his way in every single discussion now. Even on the boards about Davids latest movies, there are questions like "Why not James?" Itīs really getting tiresome.

These comments are an anwser to this article : David Boreanaz - SFX Magazine February-March 2005 - Good Quality Scans

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