Tuesday 22 February 2005, by Booboo :

Not very keen on the music but I like it!

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by scott :

that show would be fuckin sweet

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by x_geek :

Absolutely frickin’ fabulous!

J’adore Amy Acker. Et James Marsters. Et Alexis Denisof. Not too sure about Wesley being in it though, coz bringing him back from the dead would kinda take away from the tragedy of his death in the first place. Besides, i think he’d go all Buffylicious with it, resenting whoever brought him back, coz now he’s in *wherever* with Fredykins.

LOVE IT though. Totally 100% think its bloody brilliant.

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by SUSAN :

Sounds like an awesome Idea to me illyria spin-off...why not?

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by Mal :

Wow, great vid! How’d you do the titles so cool? You know, the names and such. Photoshop? Adobe premier?

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by Anonymous :

"Besides, i think he’d go all Buffylicious with it, resenting whoever brought him back, coz now he’s in *wherever* with Fredykins."

Why do so many people think that? They made it really clear that Fred’s soul was destroyed and she’s not anywhere, which made it all the more tragic when Wes told Illyria to lie to him and she said they’ll be together. ’Cause they wouldn’t be.

Wednesday 23 February 2005, by Anonymous :

Love the music, love the format... love everything!!!

Saturday 26 February 2005, by Jason :

I like that idiea about that and maybe have willow broght him back and Illyria would be happy to see him again because at the end of the show she said that she was felling greaf for himand shecant controllit but the only who could him her with that is wes so bring him back would help her so much because i dontthink spike can do that the only person who could is wes so bringhim back would be good

Tuesday 1 March 2005, by Gigi :

Well, it is very nicely put together...although the music was a bit confusing, lol. And I see that some people are debating on here, if they could bring Wesley back. Well, the thing is, Wesley died a natural death, he was stabbed. Therefore, just like Tara was shot, he can not be brought back. As for Fred, her soul was completely distroyed when Illyria took over...so therefore she just isn’t around at all. It’s very sad to know that they can’t even be together in the afterlife...I really wished that Fred would have been with Wesley, for a longer period of time. Then again, it’s just the show...good ol’ Amy and Alexis are still fine, lol. Anyways...just thought I’d say something. Again, cool video you made!

Friday 4 March 2005, by Maurauder :

I´m glad that you all like my video.

Sunday 27 March 2005, by Anonymous :

That was a freakin’ awesome video, Illyria rocks a spin off would be great.

Saturday 14 January 2006, by ben davis :

that is so unbelievable... makes me wish there was an illyria spin-off... the video is awesome and the music is catchy. if they make a series, this should definitely be the theme. WOW!!!

Monday 10 July 2006, by Heather :

Um...I would really love to watch this, but the copy I DL’d isn’t working. It’ll only play for, like, two seconds and then it quits. :-/ Can somebody help me out here? My e-mail is Doylesprincess85@hotmail.com

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