Monday 18 April 2005, by Anonymous :

I’m actually glad she decided not to do it. It really didn’t give her much space to show her acting talents. Also, she has already been in 4879334 scary movies. I don’t really care int he Grudge 2 fails without Sarah... that way, people will know she was a big part of the success which is fine with me. :)

Tuesday 19 April 2005, by Anonymous :

not really sure how the 2nd could carry on with her in it! cos that spooky ghostie (we assumed) got her at the very end of the first moive, how do u explain it? also she needs to expand her horizons! a lot! no kiddie crap, something serious, edgy, real!


Thursday 21 April 2005, by Anonymous :

Something serious but not to artsy that no one will pay to see

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