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Adam Hughes to do cover art for Serenity trade paperback

Monday 9 May 2005, by Webmaster

Finding Serenity

There was a rumor going around this week that Adam Hughes would be providing the art on a Serenity OGN with Joss Whedon. However, that turned out to be a slight misunderstanding of the original announcement. It turns out that Hughes is only doing the cover for the Serenity trade paperback, which will collect the first miniseries from Dark Horse.

In other news, Hughes recently made a short Tomb Raider film called The Cursed Chest, which uses action figures in place of actors. And judging by the teaser trailer, it looks pretty damn cool. Monthly webisodes are promised for this summer and the teaser can be found online here.

This Has A “Two by Two, Hands of Blue” Factor of Eight Out of Ten