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Angel 5x04 Hell Bound - Details

By ChrisFaile

Thursday 21 August 2003, by Webmaster

The Haunted House Comes to Wolfram & Hart: Episode 5.04 Details for ’’Angel’’

Details on the fourth episode of "Angel" for the coming season have arrived here at FilmJerk.com and it looks like Wolfram & Hart is about to become a little more haunted by its past than usual. In the as-yet-untitled episode, written and directed by Steven S. DeKnight, six new characters are introduced- albeit only as guest or co-stars, none recurring. And one new character has a direct connection to Spike, who seems to remain in ghost form at this point as well.

The episode, which appears to be this season’s Halloween-themed story, centers on the W&F offices being overrun by spirits due to a void created by a former employee, with all the spirits having a past connection to the law firm. Feel free to speculate on what the following roles mean for the episode in the feedback forum below. The new characters are:

Pavayne: A regal man, who possesses an 18th century, aristocratic bearing with the physical precision of a surgeon. A brutal psychopath (a la Jack the Ripper), he was nicknamed "The Reaper" and infamous for performing unnecessary surgery on his patients- the kind they don’t recover from. His skill in the dark arts has allowed him to survive as a spirit in the bowels of Wolfram & Hart since the1700’s. The character is listed in his 30s or 40s.

Claire: In her early 20s, she is described as "hip, fun and hot." The character is a clairvoyant brought in to lead a seance at Wolfram and Hart, which we’re guessing might be an attempt to eradicate those haunting the place. Smart, sharp, quick-wilted, she is not one to suffer fools. Trying to get to her Pilates class, she’s gotta move this séance along.

Lawyers #1 and #2: Listed as 25- to 35-year-old males, they are somewhat disgruntled with the new regime running Wolfram & Hart. Possible cannon fodder?

Hanging Man: A distinguished attorney, he ran Wo!fram & Hart in the 1940s, until he committed suicide. His spirit is still hanging around, trapped in a void where he roams the halls of his old law firm, thanks to Pavayne’s efforts. The character is described as being in his 40s or 50s.

The Glass Woman: A female spirit killed in the 1940s, she’s a "Girl Friday"-type professional still drifting around W&H and suffering the shard of glass embedded In her eye. In her 20s and beautiful, she continually taunts Spike (James Marsters) throughout the episode, to his displeasure.

The Armless Woman: A young female spirit (circa 1890), whose arms are severed et the elbow. She too is trapped in the void created by Pavayne. The casting directors are looking for double or single arm amputees, disabled below the elbow.

DeKnight was responsible for writing and directing episode 4.17 "Inside Out," which introduced Jasmine as the Big Bad for the season.

The Scorecard Executive Producer: Joss Whedon Co-Executive Producer: Jeffrey Bell Producer: Kelly A. Manners Writer & Director: Steven S. DeKnight Casting Directors: Barbara Stordahl and Angela Terry Start Date: August 27, 2003 Location: Los Angeles Production Companies: 20th Century Fox Television and Mutant Enemy Network: WB Network

From Aint-it-cool-news.com

Casting pages ("sides" to you ultrahip showbiz insiders) began circulating Wednesday for the fourth episode of "Angel’s" fifth season. Here’s what we’ve learned:

* Eve, Angel’s hot liaison to the senior partners at the Wolfram & Hart law firm, returns.

* The episode centers on the ghostly Spike. The Grim Reaper seems to be hot to claim his hinder. There’s a feller named Pavayne lurking around the firm who seems to snack on spooks.

* Winifred Burkle grows obsessed with trying to rescue the non-corporeal vamp from hellish damnation, and reverts a bit to her Pylean self, with the hunching and wall-scrawling.

* The girls may be pleased to learn than Pavayne enjoys tormenting Spike by stripping him naked at unexpected junctures.

* Fans of "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" may be excited to learn Pavayne makes Spike wear a pretty dress.

* Though still a ghost, Spike will learn - Swayze-like - how to move objects in the real world.

* Fred concocts something called a "recorporealizer." "Spike, do it now!" she will call out near episode’s end. "We’ve got one shot at making you corporeal again!" But when Pavayne begins choking Fred to death, Spike has to choose between saving her and getting fleshy.