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Angel 5x04 Hellbound - What to watch : Wednesday

By Robert Bianco

Wednesday 22 October 2003

• Courteney Cox and David Arquette produced (but don’t star in) Women’s Entertainment’s new series Mix It Up (tonight, 8 ET/PT). This design show helps couples blend their differing decorative styles, something Cox and Arquette apparently had to do themselves. • For its latest PBS special, National Geographic goes Inside Mecca (8 p.m. ET/PT, times may vary). The documentary follows three Muslims - from Malaysia, South Africa and Ireland - as they make a pilgrimage to Islam’s holiest site.

• So far this season, Angel (WB, 9 p.m. ET/PT) has mostly played Spike’s (James Marsters) non-corporeal status as "the dearly almost departed" for laughs. Tonight, things take a much spookier turn as the series offers one of its scarier episodes. "Is this the part where I say ’Who’s there ?’ and something creepy happens ?" Spike asks. The answer would be yes.

• Famed producer Robert Evans (Chinatown, Urban Cowboy) restored his reputation from pitiful has-been to envied hipster with the documentary The Kid Stays in the Picture. Now, with Comedy Central’s misjudged, misanthropic vanity project Kid Notorious (10 :30 p.m. ET/PT), he reverses the process.