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Angel 5x08 Destiny - PJz Shallowfeed

Thursday 20 November 2003, by Webmaster

Episode written by David Fury and Steven DeKnight / directed by Skip Schoolnik

oh… My… GOD! How ‘bout THAT ending! ‘nough said.

Eve: Really not liking Eve --- and that was even before I KNEW she was up to no good. (You know, back when I just suspected it.) All that ‘kids’ and ‘sweetie’ and stuff… Eech…. Word of advice, Eve: Don’t “Sweetie” Fred. And “Princess” isn’t a great one either.

And she’s got dreadful taste in underwear. Definitely no Lilah. Why couldn’t Gunn have just finished the job???

Gunn: Liking him more and more. (Not that I didn’t before, with the extra screen-time he’s getting it’s rounding him out more. --- and the strangling Eve thing? Really just a bonus.)

SIRK: Read the prophecy? You may has well read a 12 year-old’s book report on the subject.

GUNN: I miss Wesley.

(Yeah… me too.)

GUNN (to Eve): Don’t be fingering the robots.

(After last week --- and Spike’s remark --- that phrase takes on a whole new meaning. Or maybe it’s an old meaning… Either way, I think it’s kinda creepy.)

Harmony: I found the dark eye-liner too heavy. Well, at least before it was replaced by the creepy drippy blood.

SPIKE (to Angel in reply to Wes’ taking time off to get married --- I mean to get over killing "his father"): Try staking your mother when she’s comin’ on to you.

HARMONY: Wow… That explains a lot. [omitted]

SPIKE: That was a long time ago. She wasn’t herself.

Spike (and William): Think they got yet another William wig --- colour seemed fairer than in “Lies My Parents Told Me” BtVS 7x17. (So I didn’t hate it quite so much as the other.) He was just so darned sweet and thoughtful even after being turned *sigh*, and wanting to make a mark for himself rather than indulging in the efforts of someone else.

SPIKE: I can feel.

ANGEL: Stop touching me.

SPIKE: Mmm… I can [taste]. Oh god… It’s bloody ambrosia.

PJ: No Spike. It’s bloody blood.

He just HAD to taste his own nose blood again… *shudders* I know… I know… He’s a vampire; it’s what he does.

EVE: So there’s a cup?

SPIKE: Of Perpetual Torment? You know that’s not going to taste very good.

(Think for me that was the funny line of the night. This episode was really too deep and dark for me to find funny --- not that that’s a bad thing.)

SPIKE (of Angel): Fighting for truth, justice and soccer moms. But you still can’t lay flesh on a cross without smelling like bacon.

Something about that line just didn’t work for me (and I don’t think it’s just that it’s put me off bacon).

Drusilla: She just seemed so darned sane --- and that was kinda disappointing. But I simply have to know who does her hair ‘cause after all that… well, tumbling in the sheets and what not, her hair was still in tight smooth curls.

DRUSILLA: Look what I made, it’s called ‘Willy’.

I don’t know, I just thought it was cute.

WILLIAM (of Drusilla): It’s like she’s got a bit of a child still in ‘er.

ANGELUS: P’rhaps two or three by now.

Angel (and Angelus): Think his accent improved (and I’m sure it’s ringing through in present day Angel more and more). Wardrobe’s still not workin’ for me.

ANGELUS: Oh I love the ladies, it’s just lately, I’ve been wondering… what it’d be like… to share the slaughter of innocents with another man.

And if THAT wasn’t slashy enough…

ANGELUS: Don’t think that makes me some kind of deviant? Hmm? Do you?

SPIKE: I am [different] and you know it. You had a soul forced on you as a curse. Make you suffer for all the horrible things you’ve done. But me, I fought for my soul. Went through the demon trials. Almost did me in a dozen times over but I kept fighting ‘cause I knew it was the right thing to do. It’s my destiny.

ANGEL: Really? I heard it was just to get into a girl’s pants.

PJ: Where’d you hear that, Angel? On the internet? (Besides, he didn’t need the soul to get into her knickers. So there. *sticks out tongue*)

Fred: Poor Fred getting smacked down by Gunn. Fancy tranquilizing do-dads clearly aren’t her thing. She should stick to tasers.

GUNN: [Harmony’s] off havin’ a nooner with Blondie Bear, ‘member?

FRED: She’s what?

GUNN: You know nooner, when you have sex in the middle of the—

FRED: I know what a nooner is, Charles. You said she’s with Spike?

ANGEL: Ah, yeah. He’s corporeal again.

FRED: Corporeal?

GUNN: He got something in the mail and flash bang boom, he’s a solid citizen again.

FRED: Oh my god! What didn’t you call me???

ANGEL: I’m sorry we just had our hands full dealing with a little glitch in the ….

Hmm… Take out the Sparmony sex, sub ‘alive’ (or undead, whatever) for ‘corporeal’, and Buffy for Fred,… hmm…

Miscellaneous Bits:

Big flash and that’s it, Spike’s corporeal??? OK that’s just lame. Unless it doesn’t stick… or proves that the flash was simply reversing the magic that brought Spike back in the first place.

The Sparmony sex didn’t look pleasurable for either of ‘em. And neither did the Drugelus (‘cause neither one of ‘em seemed the least bit bothered by the distraction of Willy).

SIRK: It’s metaphor. Please tell me I don’t have to explain metaphor to you people.

LINDSEY’s living at Wes’ old place??? OK he’s not really, but obviously they’ve moved Wes because they’ve used the base walls of that set and repainted (including those crazy scrolly things to match Lindsey’s tattoos) and moved Mr. Vengeance himself in. Hey… maybe they actually expected me (I mean, people *g*) to notice the apartment looked a lot like Wesley’s and think that since Wesley had supposedly taken a leave of absence HE’d turn out to be the one sleeping with the enemy.

What’s with the Music Man? (That’s from where the “…with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for…” comes and this is the second episode they’ve used it. Does it mean anything??? Is Robert Preston one of the Senior Partners? Or maybe Matthew Broderick? Will there be 76 bloody trombones???)

Angel calls Spike an idiot (on their race to the desert), but really who’s the idiot? Spike took the (candy apple red) Viper!

For a place that was swallowed up by the Earth 70 years ago, that Opera hall was just too clean. I should be so lucky as to have that little dust about.

Fight was pretty cool: rebar sparks flying, vampires (and leather) swirling around… But why do Angel and Spike have to shift to vampire face to “finish this”?

The shifting WAS well done though. They’ve come a long way in the special effects department since season one BtVS.

I don’t see Spike drinking Mountain Dew so how would he know what the fake drink tasted like?

*I* happen to think that part of what Sirk said was true: that the prophecy is pre-destined and it doesn’t matter what these guys do, who ever was meant to fulfill Shanshu, will. (Just ’cause you’re evil, doesn’t mean you can’t be right or telling the truth. Besides, he might not have been in on the scheme. Who knows what Eve might have done with his body???)