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Angel 5x19 Time Bomb - BuffyBB.net Review

By Chase Murata

Saturday 1 May 2004, by Webmaster

‘Diem Perdidi’

Time sure flies, doesn’t it? I am reminded of an old Latin proverb, “Tempus neminem manet.” Time waits for no one. While we may not be ready, we cannot halt it, we must let time run its course, and all we have left to do is watch how it all unfolds. Three episodes, people. We’re down to the final three episodes, and time is not a friend.

‘We help the helpless’

Illyria, helper of the helpless. Rescuing Gunn was very kind of her, but would it have been so hard to have used her power to help the even greater good — entrapping Kennedy within the Hell Dimension instead. Buy hey, when life hands you Demons, you make ‘Demonade’. It came as a pleasant surprise to know that Gunn’s noggin enhancement wasn’t in vain. Imagine the aversion and angst that would have arisen if Gunn’s selfishness was worthless, that Fred’s sacrifice was pointless. I would have been disgusted, but to our good grace, Joss decided to spare us from such anguish that we all know he loves.

‘Let’s go be heroes’

Wesley has me concerned. An eerie notion has been racing my mind for the last few weeks. An idea that if Illyria were still able to quantum leap to and fro the future she would witness Wesley ‘pull a Doyle’, perhaps for her. Paint me mad, but I think Wesley is hiding a trick up his sleeve, waiting to show us that his hand reads, “Hero.”

“You’re fighting to hold onto what you were, it’s destroying you.”

Those words apply more to Wesley, than it did to Illyria. Wesley knows memories can flee, and he is trying to hold onto Fred in what ever way imaginable, and because of it, he is destroying himself.

Midst the jungle of books, files, possibly even his mind blown all about his office, Wesley remains persistent. He still believes he can save Fred, if not just her essence.

“You can’t look at her without seeing ... her body’s previous owner.”

I cannot imagine what thoughts flow throughout Wesley’s head. What theories, ideas, scenarios flood his conscious, dreams and memories that entice, drinking himself into an unconscious stupor just to relieve what he had, with whom he had. Alas we are left to wonder if Wesley knows of some incantation, some ritual sacrifice that would restore Fred’s essence. He would do it, he would I have no doubt. Much like the scenario with Wesley hiding the truth from Angel, about draining Illyria’s energy, I am sure Wesley would keep something of such importance under many layers of wrap.

‘Save (them) ANGEL!’

“Change is constant, yet things remain the same.”

We are who we’ve become by choice, and sometimes those choices we will regret, and some will feel like a stake through the heart, but one good thing about having choice is that you can always make another.

Joss, you mischievous troublemaker, making me nearly soak myself when nearly the entire cast was killed off in a matter of anti-climatic seconds. Shame on you for making me worry, but many kudos for the transcendent non-linear baffling.

The only question I had about the Time Travel Adventures of ‘Bluebird’ was whether or not she returned to Angel’s present time, which was resolved when Angel was blasted back into the past by the self-destructing canary herself.

I only question what affect altering time had on the future.

‘Quotes of the Night’

“Oh god, don’t go in there! That’s where he keeps his full strength crazy.” ....Lorne had a lot of good quips and witticisms; brought us some comedy amongst the tragedy.

“Your demon clown, as he wilted in terror.” ....Once again, Lorne with the comedy, even when he’s not in the scene. ‘Wilted’, like a flower perhaps?

“The Vampire plays children’s games.” “Tag, you’re it, baby.” ....Angel does love the hopscotch, err, wait, that’s Wesley. Err, and it’s just plain scotch.

“It’s Angel, can you hear me?” ....It was like a Verizon Wireless commercial, and gave me quite a chuckle.

“Oh, that’s mature!” ....In perhaps the funniest scene of the night, Angel smacks Lorne’s hat off after succumbing to the urge after Lorne still babbles about his phone.

“Curing Cancer Mr. Price?] “Wouldn’t be cost effective, now would it? I’m sure we make a lot from Cancer.” “Yes, the patent holder is a client.” ....Fairly amusing dialogue between Wesley and Marcus.

“It’s not murder if you say yes.” ....One of the more memorable quips from Spike tonight. Last week’s interchange between Illyria and Spike set the bar for whimsical dialogue ... between Illyria and Spike.


“If you want to win a war, you must serve no master, but your ambition.”

Gunn was not the only person to become enlightened with a new sense of duty. Illyria’s exchange with Angel, which oddly resembles Giles’ words to Buffy whilst he tried to have Spike killed, made aware that there was a bigger battle in the brewery. Although Gunn’s motives were pure, he forgot the bigger picture. Every case, every assignment they did, even all the good, was to preoccupy them. To stop them from figuring out that, figuratively,

“From beneath them, it devours.”

‘Houston, we’ve got a Fred’

With Illyria’s power, presumingly, lessened quite a bit my idea of her being able to go back through time to when she infected Fred and preventing it all has been dismantled. I venture to guess that Wesley won’t be going that route anytime soon either.

“You’re all that’s left.”

No doubt crossed my mind that Wesley had ulterior motives. Illyria is all he has left, and even though he could never love Illyria, he will guide her, and make sure she is safe. Don’t think that draining Illyria’s power wasn’t an attempt at trying to recover Fred, and by looking at the end result, Illyria resembles Fred more than ever. Wesley may never admit it outright, but he hopes to instill humanity, and evoke emotions in Illyria, so hopefully one day she will be a real person. Illyria will never be Fred, but perhaps person enough to love.

Welcome to the team, Illyria.