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Angel Season 4 Action Figures Announced

Wednesday 9 February 2005, by Webmaster

Angel and Fred Figures are Due for Summer 2005 Release

We are pleased to announce the next two characters in the Angel action figure line will include a vampire with a soul and a Texan with a brain. A new series of action figures featuring Angel and Fred is now in development and is expected to be released this summer. As with past releases, multiple versions of each character will be produced in order to show each character as they appeared throughout the show’s five year run.

"We’ve tried to pick specific moments from his journey that fans will really identify with. Although Angel figures have been done in the past, they’ve never been designed with this much attention to detail," said Chuck Terceira, Director of DST.

Winifred Burkle, or Fred to her friends, joined the Angel Investigations team at the end of the second season. Over the next three years she would become an invaluable asset; researching demons and portals, running the show when Angel and Cordelia vanished, and even putting the "heart" in Wolfram & Hart’s science department. Fred became a key character is many major moments of Angel, her expertise in a variety of fields lends herself to exciting action-figure possibilities.

"We know we have a great selection lined up," commented Terceira, "Gentle Giant Studios has used the latest digital scan technology to ensure fantastic likenesses to David Boreanaz (Angel) and Amy Acker (Fred). This line will raise the bar for all future releases, and we can’t wait to continue that approach."

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