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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Angel Season 5 & Buffy Chosen Collection on Tv.com Best 2005 DVD List

Thursday 5 January 2006, by Webmaster

Angel - Season Five

It’s Angel’s last season, and as he explodes out of his two centuries of darkness he must confront his toughest enemy: his own dark half. The drama and thrills knife through the darkness in this DVD set, which features a coffin full of extras: featurettes like "Angel: The Final Season," "To Live and Die in L.A.: The Best of Angel," and "Angel Unbound: The Gag Reels," and more!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Chosen Collection

At long last, it has arrived! The comprehensive, no-holds-barred, every-single-episode Buffy the Vampire Slayer boxed DVD set. These 40 gloriously packaged discs hold a treasure trove of Buffy memories, from our blonde heroine’s arrival in the deceptively named town of Sunnydale to the series’ final apocalyptic moments.

Sarcastic teenager Buffy has a destiny far more meaningful than that of most carefree California kids. She is the Chosen One, the slayer who must constantly battle vampires and the dark forces they represent. In a seven-season story full of action, drama, and humor, Buffy grows up amid a compelling cast of friends, foes, and others whose roles in her life cannot be so easily defined.

A bonus booklet and an entire disc full of extras make this amazing collection a must-have for any Buffy fan. Check out an introduction by series creator Joss Whedon, cast interviews, featurettes, and much more.