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"Angel - Season Two" DVD Review

Friday 29 August 2003, by Webmaster

Guide Rating -

Pros • Imaginative storylines with often witty dialogue • Good-looking lead actor as Angel (David Boreanaz) • DVDs include commentaries on selected episodes

Cons • Uneven and didn’t draw me in completely at times • Occasionally goes over-the-top, weakening drama • Often fantastic/unrealistic (could be pro)

The Bottom Line - I had a lot of fun watching "Angel - Season Two" on DVD, and I suspect the show’s fans will enjoy it even better than I did.

Description • DVDs (6) of second season of "Angel" television show • DVDs have interesting bonus materials, including commentary for selected episodes • DVD release date September 2, 2003

Guide Review - "Angel - Season Two" DVD Review

I enjoyed the second season of "Angel" on DVD even better than the first. I’m not exactly sure why. Perhaps it was that "Angel" was simply better in its second season because the actors along with the show’s writers/directors had a chance to settle into the show’s characters and storylines. It also could have been because I had more time to get into the show itself and the world of dark fantasy/science fiction it creates. Either way, I found "Angel - Season Two" entertaining and imaginative. Also, the excellent sound and picture quality on the DVDs made everything look and sound just terrific. I had a lot of fun watching "Angel - Season Two" on DVD, and I suspect the show’s fans will enjoy it even better than I did.

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