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From Ebay.com


Angel Smile Time Puppet available on Ebay.com

Monday 25 April 2005, by Webmaster

4 Forum messages

  • > Angel Smile Time Puppet available on Ebay.com

    26 April 2005 00:27, by Anonymous
    Why would you pay a lot more money to buy it on Ebay when you can get it directly from the merchant?
  • > Angel Smile Time Puppet available on Ebay.com

    26 April 2005 07:40, by SUSAN
    I cant believe it went for $137.00....Thats alot for a puppet!!!

    See online : >Angel Smile Time Puppet Available on Ebay.com

  • > Angel Smile Time Puppet available on Ebay.com

    26 April 2005 20:59, by Anonymous
    Especially for an ugly puppet. The puppet used on the actual episode was so adorable. I would really love to have one just like it, and I was really happy finding out they planned on making some puppet Angels and selling them. That happiness turned into disappointment when I saw the puppet. They should’ve kept working on it for awhile longer. I wouldn’t buy one of those even if they were selling them for a dollar.
  • > Angel Smile Time Puppet available on Ebay.com

    26 April 2005 21:48, by Elias

    Why is it so expensive?

    Lets see, these puppets were limited out of 5,000 and are all sold out through the merchants.

    The only way you can get your hands on one of these puppies is through eBay and right now the asking price for one of these on the secondary market is anywhere from 130-180 US. So paying a 137 US isn’t bad. Consider the popularity of the episode "Smile Time" and the demand for a puppet replica. Right now the price is exceedingly high because the demand is greater than the supply is.

    I bought my Angel puppet replica through a local collector’s store and paid 45 USD for my guy. They had two of them in stock. Should have bought them both. Dang!