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Angel Unaired Pilot Season 1 Episode 0 - Transcript


Wednesday 28 December 2005, by Webmaster

My name’s Angel. I was born 244 years ago in Ireland. Small town, good family. 27 years into an unremarkable life I met a woman. She told me she could show me a world I had never seen. She wasn’t kidding. Life as a vampire was a constant thrill — power, danger, the outfits...good outfits. Never getting old, also a plus. But in the end it was all about the kill. The kill was everything. Until I killed the wrong girl. Gypsy, in my experience, are heavily into vengeance. They cursed me. Gave me back my soul, my conscience. I had to live with everything I had done and I had to live forever. It took another woman to show me that my endless life was worth living. Her name was Buffy. You might actually know her. She was my first love. I’m not saying it was an easy relationship. But it was real. I guess I knew it couldn’t last. You see, gypsies, they pulled a funny on me. If I ever experience a moment of true happiness, if my soul is ever at peace, I’ll lose it. Become a monster again. So I had to leave. I wanted to shut the world out. No more love, no more pain, no more demons. I figured life didn’t have any more surprises for me. Alive for 244 years, I thought I’d seen everything. Then I came to LA.

One hell of a city, man. Buckets of fun if you’re a nasty creature of some kind. A little hard on the humans. People will get very lost. They get very dead. And worse. Everyone’s got their demons. You wanna help yourself? Help them. Give ’em hope.

I think it’s great that you want to help people fight their personal monsters. You shouldn’t turn your back on the helpless. I’m just saying a nominal fee. I mean, why can’t we charge the helpless. Monster fighting is difficult work and we have rent. Hey, I’m not the one who’s hung around for 200 years and never developed an investment portfolio. Okay?

She come with he office, man?

Sometimes it’s easy making with the fisticuffs and stuff. You can handle yourself in a fight, right?

I get by.

Sometimes it’s not so easy. Not all demons have horns. Not every damsel wants to be rescued.

I know. You can’t imagine the price for true evil.

There’s powerful forces out here. Agents of pure evil. They’ve made great business out of people’s despair.

They’re not going to like me stirring up the waters.

What, and you’re afraid of that?

I’m counting on that.

Quite the masculine fellow, aren’t you.

David Boreanaz
Charisma Carpenter
Glenn Quinn

From Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt...


2 Forum messages

  • > Angel Unaired Pilot Season 1 Episode 0 - Transcript

    29 December 2005 06:25, by Anonymous
    It’s a pity they couldn’t have dug up this ’presentation reel’ for the DVD releases. Maybe we’ll see it surface one day. :(
  • > Angel Unaired Pilot Season 1 Episode 0 - Transcript

    29 December 2005 12:22, by Angel`sUndies
    for CrazedFan, i`m pretty sure there were a couple of mentions that William was 26 when Dru got her fangs on him, but i can`t remember which episodes!! The showreel is pretty good and is out there for downloading, although not altogether legally (sshhh).