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From Thecheers.org

’Atlantis : The Lost Empire’ Thecheers.org Review (joss whedon mention)

Monday 21 March 2005, by Webmaster

Masterpiece Cinema - Atlantis: The Lost Empire

The Cheers #23: Entertainment - Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Starring Michael J. Fox, Cree Summer, James Garner, Leonard Nimoy, Claudia Christian, John Mahoney.

Written by Tab Murphy, et al.

Directed by Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise.

Genre: Animated / Action-Adventure

Released: 2001

Running time: 95 mins.

Rated: PG for animated violence (the first Disney film since The Black Cauldron to receive such a rating).

IMDb link: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0230011/maindetails

Well, Im right smack dab in the middle of exam week in my last year of Uni (or college, for you Americans out there), so Im taking time out of my assignment-writing to get this weeks column done. As a result, we might be a little slender word-count-wise, but Im sure youll let me slide, right?

So Ive mentioned in the last two columns that Ill be taking a look at something animated this time around, and now Im making good on that promise. Not that I imagine any of you were sitting back with baited breath waiting for me to do so, but hey, a guy can dream, cant he?

In the last few years, Disneys been trying to give its animation division a kick-start by denying their usual formula of feel-good musical comedy films and going for something a little more mature. One such example is Treasure Planet, a film that a lot of critics have bagged (but that Ive never seen, so I cant really give my opinion on it).

Another of their valiant attempts at giving the public something new and exciting was 2001s Atlantis: The Lost Empire. This, too, was a film that had the crap kicked out of it by critics and did fairly dismally at the box office. In fact, there was a television spin-off series for it planned, but once it was evident how badly the film had done, the show was scrapped, and the episodes that had been written and animated were cobbled together to make an incredibly disjointed sequel. But Im getting ahead of myself, arent I?

’Atlantis’ tells the story of Milo Thatch, a young archaeologist whose efforts are unappreciated at the museum where he works, and whose life endeavour is to be an explorer, much like his grandfather. In steps, mad tycoon Preston B. Whitmore, who was a friend of Milos grandfather, offers to fund Milos search for the lost city of Atlantis. Accompanying Milo is a rag-tag group of adventurers, including a flower-shop-owner-turned-demolitions-expert and a digger whos more mole than man.

Maybe its just me. Maybe Im the only one who really likes this movie. It shows a great deal of maturity for an American animated film, with complex characters and relevant themes. And its witty. I think the fact that Joss Whedon (creator of TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, and a writer known for his snappy dialogue) contributed to the script is a major plus, because its full of quirky humour.

Add to that Michael J. Fox and James Garner, performing amongst a very talented cast, and youve got me sold. So why do so many people dislike it? You got me. Maybe its because its not your usual Disney style. Maybe its because people prefer computer-generated animation these days. Maybe its because Actually, I dont have any other ideas as to why. Dont ask me. I love the movie. Maybe you will, too...but more likely youll hate it and hate me for suggesting you watch it. Hey, whatever.

Next week: At the moment, no idea. Im sure Ill think of something. In the meantime, Ive got assignments to finish. So scat!