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Australian Fans must wait for Serenity DVD

Friday 4 November 2005, by Webmaster

Dear Clint or Adam (I get confused as to whom I should be writing too :) Before I do the total fan girl thing and order “Serenity” from Amazon in the U.S. I was wondering if you heard when the release date is for Oz (would prefer paying aussie dollars to US naturally). EzyDVD have “Serenity” listed as a future release, but no date.

thank you for help . Regards Lea


Adam’s actually packing his bags for America, so I couldn’t rope him into doing the Mailbag this week. Instead, he promises to make it up to me by licking my cat litter box clean when he returns. Nice guy. Anyway, “Serenity” should be out here in Australia on Feb 8. You heard it here first.

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