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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

BUFFY and ANGEL Rumor Combo Platter

Wednesday 23 April 2003, by Webmaster

From 50%angel: I heard Spike doesn’t die in the finale, he just disappears. Is this true? Yes, and it leaves him wiiide open for Angel next season. I spoke to James Marsters at the show’s wrap party on Saturday, and he says the final details are being worked out. Sounds like they’re waiting for the official pickup before signing him to anything, which makes sense. But the storyline definitely lends itself to a Spike migration.

From flipley: Hey, gorgeous. Was SMG a no-show at Buffy’s wrap party? Is there a cold front hitting the Mutant Enemy camp from ScoobyDooVille? Yes indeedy. She was "unable" to make it.

From xander_lookalike: Please answer my request for the first time and lay some Buffy news on me! I can tell you that your double is definitely not going to Angel and definitely does not want to talk about it. The question was avoided altogether at the wrap party, but word is NB very much wanted to join Angel. Bygones, though: He’s already tied to another pilot for next season.

From reelygoodgirl: Last week, when you said "oh gee" about the Buffy death, did you mean OG? As in original gangsta? As in original cast member? Fo’ shizzy. But I said it won’t make you say, "Oh, gee."

From evanichole: What about that Caleb on Buffy? That’s how a villain should be! Freaky-deaky. And he has a fittingly freaky-deaky death. Nathan Fillion (Caleb) tells me Caleb is going down with one of the most grotesque deaths we’ll ever see. Delish.

From larrypigtails: Any word on the status of Angel? I just spoke to Joss Whedon this morning. Here is what sounds to me to be (yippee!) good (skippy!) news: "We haven’t heard anything. But I think the prognosis is pretty positive. It’s doing well. There’s big love for it at the WB. And I feel pretty sure they’re not going to tell us that until the very last moment. We have so much going right now, so many ideas for what’s to come. And they’re in the loop on that and very excited about them, so there’s no reason not to. I mean, I’ve been wrong before, but I’d be pretty surprised [if we weren’t picked up]."

From the_groosalugg: When will we know the fate of Angel? Three excruciatingly long weeks.

From lisalee: What can we expect from the finale? Connor spends the next episode trying to find out where, oh where, can Cordy be. Just before he finds her hidden inside a church, the secret comes out that Jasmine is the spawn of C&C (sadly not the Music Factory. Hmmm....)