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Bid for a "Serenity" Premiere party invitation signed by Nathan Fillion

Monday 22 October 2007, by Webmaster

The Ninjas of Nathan
Nation invite you to participate in our Tenth Kids Need to Read Charity Auction. To celebrate our auctions’ new home at the Kids Need to Read Community blog, we are offering a very special item- a unique signed Serenity party invitation. This is author PJ Haarsma’s personal invitation to sit at Nathan Fillion’s table at the party following the World Premiere of Serenity in 2005. It has been signed especially for Kids Need to Read by the ever-kind Nathan Fillion, making it all the more sentimental. Adding to the awesomeness of this unique Serenity collectible is the word “FILLION” splashed boldly across the bottom.

Click on the link :
