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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy 7x22 Chosen - Day 2 Set Report

By Actor

Saturday 12 April 2003, by Webmaster

My call time was 12:30pm. Usual routine, got suited up, sprayed, mask on, straight to set. Some more potentials came in to film a separate "sleeping potentials" scene. All of us Ubervamps were placed on the set, fighting with the "fighting potentials." It was actually pretty fun. The stunt guys did all the fancy stuff. The rest of us just were assigned a potential to attack. We’d attack her, and she’d swing at us, and we’d go down. I was fighting near a girl named Mary, who plays "shannon" (girl who gets stabbed by Caleb at the beginning of "Dirty Girls"). She was really friendly. Her and Kennedy were the only ones without stunt doubles. Buffy, Faith, Spike, Rona, and Vi all had stunt doubles. They did a really cool shot of Buffy swinging her axe and knockin like 5 Ubervamps off the ledge at the same time. They used wires for that so the guys went flyin. We broke for dinner after a couple scenes, which was nice because we got to take off our masks. They got so annoying. When we got back, we did some more fighting as Faith discovers that Buffy got stabbed and goes to check on her. As she kneels to tend to Buffy, Buffy hands her her axe and Faith turns around to take out a couple of Ubervamps behind her. As Buffy is laying on the ground, The First approaches her in the form of Buffy herself. The First is exactly like Buffy (same clothes, same stab wound in the gut. She taunts Buffy and Buffy tells her to get away from her. I dunno if you guys already knew, but Amanda dies We did a really sad shot of everyone fighting, and then Amanda’s dead body just drops to the ground, her lifeless eyes looking into the camera and her weapon dropping beside her. I heard the writers decided to kill her because she was the fans’ favorite potential and so they wanted to surprise everyone by killing HER. We did another death scene of one of the potentials. It was an Asian girl (NOT Chao-Ahn, it was an extra). She’s fighting, and an Ubervamp grabs her from behind and bites her neck and they just sink to the floor. The last shot we did was Spike hitting an Ubervamp, then the Ubervamp looks around, sees the stairs, runs up them and like 5 of us follow him up there. I’m guessing those stairs lead up to the Sunnydale High basement where the Seal was, so we’re probably gonna get chased and killed before we get up there and feed on humans. We finished shooting for the night at 3AM....yeah, LONG day. Goin back tomorrow too, so you know the drill...more news tomorrow.