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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy in The Five most maddeningly unresolved TV Plotlines

Tuesday 15 September 2009, by Webmaster


A Loose End Bugs Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Early in season one, Xander Harris, Buffy’s endearingly pathetic sidekick, catches the eye of a substitute teacher who’s really a giant, sex-hormone-secreting praying mantis. Sadly, this fling is the apex of Xander’s sexual competence throughout the entire series.

She mates with virginal men and kills them post-coitus, thereby sparing them either the embarrassment of losing one’s virginity to a giant insect, or at least the burden of a lifelong giant insect fetish, Spider-Woman notwithstanding.

We know spiders aren’t insects. We just felt like posting some classy art.

Luckily, Buffy saves the day and preserves Xander’s innocence. Unluckily for Sunnydale High, the episode ends with a cache of hidden she-mantis eggs hatching in the science room!

Why It’s Maddening:

We never see the creepy sex-mantises again.

Plenty of lesser shows allow minor plots to meander off into nothingness, but this is Buffy, a show notorious for never, ever letting plot threads die, no matter how mind-bendingly convoluted (see: Dawn, Buffy’s magical, whiny real-not real hallucination of a sister).

So yeah, Joss Whedon, we’re calling you out on this: Where the hell are our sex bugs? And while we’re at it, can we have Eliza Dushku too?

Scratch that. You can keep the sex bugs.

We get that the episode’s statutory rape subplot may not have jibed with the WB’s family-friendlier fare, but this is Buffy. Every other week some vampire/demon/yeti tries to kill Buffy/enslave mankind/take Willow to a gay pride parade. In Sunnydale terms, some Mary Kay Letourneau action would register on the low end of the weird-o-meter.


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