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Can’t Stop Joss Whedon Fans

Shannon Nolley

Thursday 22 June 2006, by Webmaster

What are YOU doing this weekend? I’ll tell ya. You’re going to go see Joss Whedon’s "Serenity" on the big screen. Again? Yes. Again.

If you’re a "Firefly" and/or Whedon fan, you probably know that this Friday and Saturday (the 23rd and 24th) the film will be shown on the big screen for a special - very limited - run to raise money for charity. If you hadn’t yet heard, now you know.

The Browncoats (aka "Firefly" fans) got together and organized a weekend of showings in honor of Whedon’s birthday entitled "Can’t Stop the Serenity" (a play on the film’s tagline "Can’t Stop the Signal"). Whedon himself had nothing to do with the event - it’s entirely fan driven. A little obsessive? Heck yeah! And proud of it.

If the film itself is not enough to draw you out of your house this weekend, then consider doing it for a good cause. All of the proceeds from the nearly 50 showings around the world will go towards Equality Now, one of the writer/director’s favorite charities.

If you can’t make the shows but are still itching for more adventures with the crew of Serenity, you may want to try your hand at the new free online role playing game (RPG) called "Serenity: Leaf On The Wind."

The game is a text-based RPG that allows players to assume the role of an Alliance supporter or a rebel Browncoat. It has multiple simulations running in different areas of the "Firefly" universe, with more on the way. Check out the demo here.

Of course, nothing would make fans happier than a new film or TV installment of the "Firefly" series. Until that happens (hope hope), Browncoats will continue to find new and creative ways to get their "Firefly" fix.