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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Christian Kane shares his thoughts on a Buffyverse spinoff

Tuesday 23 August 2005, by Webmaster

From monina: Spike movie! Did you See Ain’t It Cool News? How effing fantastic is that?! I’m giddy. (And for the record, despite Hercules’ other assessment, I do not only write jokes about how cute boys are. I once also said I’d go gay for Kristen Bell. So there.) Yes, since I’m currently smitten with Hercules after spending some time with him in the jungle last week (slick bastard buttered me up by saying I’m now "TV skinny," which would leave any girl defenseless), I can only congratulate him on the scoop. Hercie-poo got Tim Minear to confirm that Joss approached him to write a Spike movie.

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From randall: I just want to say thank you for the James Marsters interview. It was so great hearing from his mouth that Joss had approached him about a Spike movie, and that he’d do it! Yee-haw! From his (I’d say delicious, but Herc will ridicule me) lips to God’s ears.

Watch with Kristin: Television news, gossip and spoilers

From mushie: Where’s the link to enter to win the James Marsters CD? You are all entered just by being here!

Watch with Kristin: Television news, gossip and spoilers

From Alfy: Weeks have passed since you said you would share your conversation with Christian Kane. Share, please.

Yes! I’m so sorry. Christian actually talked about the Spike movie. Here’s a snippet of the convo, and I promise to give more next week:

KV: Alyson [Hannigan] was saying she feels like the Angel people might be more into doing a spinoff than Buffy people...

CK: I think, well, just, it’s darker. Buffy was kinda dark and stuff, but it still had that high school feel. Angel was more grown up, if you will. It has a more grown-up fan base, I really do believe, and so it’s easier to do a movie with that, because obviously it’s gonna sell, I think, more with the darker stuff. And you can put more blood in it and all that stuff, so I think that may be the reason why.

KV: Do you know if it’s happening?

CK: I have no idea. I don’t know if I can be a part of it. I’m dead! But the thing is, you actually have to die to be a lead character on that show, so I’m all right!

5 Forum messages

  • Christian is full of crap with his comments there. Firstly, just because the Buffy characters were younger and because Angel was on at 9pm and so could show more blood, doesn’t mean it’s more "grown up". Angel may have a slightly older fanbase if you take the average age, but Buffy has a much bigger fanbase and numbers-wise still has more older fans than Angel. Last of all, the reason the Angel people might be more interested in a spinoff is because very few of them are actually working since the show ended, while the Buffy cast are all keeping pretty busy.
  • Wow! And with that crappy attitude you are showing that while you may be an adult you are so very far from mature.
  • Actually five of the actors from Angel are appearing in tv shows this fall (as opposed to three from Buffy). David Boreanaz has his new show "Bones"; James Marsters is going to be a recurring character on "Smallville"; Christian Kane is appearing in the new show "Close to Home"; Charisma Carpenter is going to have a regular role on "Veronica Mars"; and Amy Acker is going to be a regular on a midseason replacement show about the CIA whose title escapes me at the moment.
  • Christian has it dead on, no pun intended. As the poster above states, it’s quite obvious that Buffy had more of a High School feel. Angel was more about the adult years, late 20’s, early 30’s period. I enjoyed both shows, but being 31 myself I thought Angel as a show FAR SURPASSED Buffy. Even though I own all 5 Seasons of Angel on DVD and Buffy, only up to Season 5, I find that I can go back and watch Angel a lot easier than Buffy. I’m all for an Angel spinoff instead of a Buffy one. Spike is a perfect way to go. Bring in J. August Richards or Amy Acker and Christian Kane. Be happy to see them all.
  • Why do people get mad at other people’s opinions. I think BTVS was far better than ANGEl ever was or needed to be. But that didnot make ANGEL crap.BTVS was the beginning. If it hadnot of been so strong to suck fans in there would have been no ANGEL. Some of the best characters started off on BTVS. And Yes to date BTVS had and has the biggest section of the fanbase * remember Spike was only on ANGEL one year*. Its not a contest.