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From Bbc.co.uk


David Boreanaz - Bbc.co.uk Interview

Sunday 6 June 2004, by Webmaster

We interview the Angel star.

Shortly after filming wrapped on the last ever episode of Angel, we caught up with David Boreanaz to discuss the end of an era.

What was going through your mind during your last day on set?

Of course, it’s going to be emotional; you spend so much time with the crew, and you’re so close to them, and my father was there, my family was there. And it all came to a final close in the middle of an alleyway at five in the morning.

It was emotional, but it was a good thing.

Did you keep any souvenirs from the show?

Well, I got a couple of shirts... just odds and ends, nothing major. There wasn’t really much I wanted.

Will you miss any of your Angel outfits?

Some I will not, some probably, but you get bought some nice things when you work in this business.

Any truth in the current rumours that several TV movies are being planned for next season on The WB?

Not that I know of. I’m not planning on any kind of reunion with the character unless it’s done in a very challenging and big screen way.

Tell us about Soul Purpose, the episode you directed this year.

Well, I always wanted to do that, and I approached [the producers] last season with that. They were kind of like, "yeah, sure." It was not really much to think about. Being around set, on my set, on my show, for four seasons, you see directors come and go, and you learn from them what to do and what not to do.

If anybody knows the show, it would be me, because I’m there every day. To have that opportunity to direct under my belt was fantastic, so I’m glad I did it.

Are there any other current shows you would like to work on as a director?

I like to direct for the big screen. To be honest with you, Angel was very formulaic for me. What I learned was that you have really prescribed specific things that you have to shoot. You don’t have the final cut, and that’s frustrating.

Did Angel’s cancellation mean that the end of this season changed radically?

The writers stuck to the outline of how they were going to end it originally if the show went on for another season. I’m proud that they stuck by their guns and ended it that way, so I’m very pleased with the way the character has gone out this season.

How did your wife Jaime become involved in episode 19, Time Bomb?

It’s [was] just an opportunity for a character there. [I thought] that it would be great to have her come on to the show, and have our son look at that, and see the two of us actually play opposite one another for a brief moment. We had fun with it. It was nothing too serious, it was just a small little role, a laugh.

Is there anything that you would like to say to the fans who have been campaigning to keep the show alive?

I think that what they’ve done has been fantastic. They’re the best fans in the world. They have been so supportive [and] I just thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Looking ahead, does typecasting worry you?

I don’t know. There’s a sense that it’s all about timing, it really is. I pretty much have everything mapped out for me. Tom (David’s manager) has already done that, so I put my trust in him and let that formula unfold.

I’ve never really been concerned about being typecast, for me it’s just about enjoying my work and being very professional in taking things on. Now that the show has come to its closure here, I look forward to any challenges that are ahead of me with different characters. And I had the opportunity to do that in the past three years with some films, and with some stuff that’s coming up that I’m very excited about.

Tell us about your next film, The Crow: Wicked Prayer.

That’s another wicked fast-paced film - there are a few film opportunities on my plate now, some offers that I can’t confirm, but will be known in the next week or so. Then I might be going over to London do to When Harry Met Sally in September. That’s being negotiated just now.

Which of Angel’s fleet of cars was your favourite?

His first car was very cool. His first car would be the best. All of his other cars are just too fast, too furious, even though some are classics.

Do you still collect cars?

I had a ’66 Mustang, and I had a truck that was stolen, unfortunately, but I do collect cars.

Are you planning any more convention appearances in Europe?

James [Marsters] and I are putting an event together for Halloween weekend that we’re really excited about. It’s a good opportunity for almost, not a farewell tour, but to say thank you to all the people, especially over in Europe.

I love going over to Europe. I know we’re planning on doing that, but that’s the only one that we have in the books right now.

Christian Kane speaks highly of you. What’s it like working with him?

We have a great time, the two of us have a blast. He’s a very good friend of mine, and it’s always been a good time with him because we’re so close.

Did your knee operation cause you many problems this year?

It was tough at the beginning of the season, because my knee was out of place, but as the time went on it got fixed, and it’s fine now.

Any final thoughts about Angel?

I think I had fun with him. We had a good time, and I think we should all be very proud of what we’ve done.

Not Fade Away, the final episode of Angel, premieres on Sky One at 9pm on Tuesday 8th June 2004.

1 Message

  • > David Boreanaz - Bbc.co.uk Interview

    8 June 2004 00:23, by Wolverine68
    DB I am glad you appreciate the hard we did, trying to save your job. But if you were really apreciative, you would have said the TV movies were a good idea. (What ever happened to "I would like to do Angel for years to come?")