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David Boreanaz

David Boreanaz - "The Crow 4 : Wicked Prayer" Trailer - Aintitcool.com Review

By Phil DeGraves

Saturday 13 September 2003, by Webmaster

Phil DeGraves catches a peek at the CROW: WICKED PRAYER teaser trailer! Hey folks, Harry here... This is a film... that should probably have no right to be looking forward to. The last... however many... Crow sequels have sucked like an overheated Hoover, but folks... Lance Mungia is directing this sucker. Lance Mungia directed one of my all-time no-budget films... SIX STRING SAMURAI. This guy raving about the images he saw in the trailer send me over the moon. Lance has the ability to make a film that could kick ungodly ass. The reality is... if he were directing the IRON FIST movie with Jeffrey Falcon as IRON FIST... the movie would own all of our asses 5 times a day. Here ya go... The Crow: Wicked Prayer

Hey Harry!

I don’t know how much of a scoop this is, but I got a chance to see a rough cut of the new Crow movie trailer and it’s amazing!

Eddie Furlong looks great as the Crow (the make-up is slightly different, but works terrific), David Boreanaz is an amazing villian with a scene eating presence I had no idea he was capable of, and Tara Reid looks gorgeous. The trailer is atmospheric, brutal, action packed, emotional, and just plain beautiful.

I’m sure you already know the story takes place on and around an Indian reservation and Eddie’s character returns from the grave to avenge his and his girlfriend’s death. (Eddie’s girlfriend is played by Emmanulle Chriqui, the girl from Wrong Turn). I liked director Lance Mungia’s other movie "Six String Samurai" a lot, so I’m expecting great things for this.

I’m sure it will be available on-line soon, and it’s definately worth looking for.

That’s it!