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"Dollhouse" Tv Series - 1x05 "True Believer" - Tvsquad.com Review

Sunday 15 March 2009, by Webmaster

(S01E05) Among other things we’ve learned from tonight’s episode of Dollhouse is that those who live in a cult can sing in perfect harmony. Mostly likely due to brainwashing.

We’ve also learned that certain members of the U.S. Senate are well aware of the Dollhouse’s existence, making it even less likely that Agent Ballard will succeed in his mission of bringing the place down.

The big reveal from tonight is that any and all of the Actives can potentially break their programming. We saw it with Victor tonight and we saw it with Echo at the end when she instinctively knew that Laurence was an enemy (and also a douchebag).

I found it interesting how Topher and Claire Saunders (the delicious Amy Acker) stood on opposite ends of the moral spectrum, as well as the confidence spectrum (Topher is so insecure). I also found it interesting how the organization treats Actives like objects rather than people, such as giving them risky surgery without true consent. It sounds like slavery to me.

I don’t care what Joss says, Mellie is definitely something. If she’s not the Active known as November, then she’s someone. I’ll bet money that she’s the one feeding the information to Agent Ballard. Does she work for Alpha? Did she know Caroline pre-Dollhouse? Note that I am still not abandoning my idea that Ballard is Alpha. That will likely happen later when it is proven that he isn’t.

In all the discussion about the relative benefits of going to the Dollhouse for an Active rather than hiring someone, did anybody mention that they can’t crack under questioning? Someone probably did. An Active actually believes their cover story so it would certainly make undercover work like this episode more effective.

Echo’s false identity reads pretty well considering the fact that she hadn’t read a book since she was nine. It could be that she had the passage memorized beforehand. The Hooked on Phonics probably didn’t hurt either.

Tonight’s character of Esther Carpenter (note that biblical references of her name) hails from New Hampshire. Her previous character from two weeks ago was from South Boston. Given the fact that Eliza Duskhu herself is from the area, are all her personalities going to be from there? When will she become a Brit or an Australian or a gangster rapper?

Speaking of two weeks ago, between her stage appearances from that episode and her television appearance on this one, it’s going to be more difficult to keep Echo and the Dollhouse low-key. I’m also wondering when she’ll partner with the Bunnymen (okay, bad joke. Forgive me).

Overall, a pretty good episode. A few reveals and hints of things to come. Despite her re-conditioning, Echo may even be able to grow and change. The characters around her certainly are changing. That’s what keeps the show interesting.

Next week represents a big reveal according to the Gospel of Whedon. It represents a step up in the drama. It’s also competing with the series finale of Battlestar Galactica. As cult science fiction fans, we have a big decision to make next week. Which one will we be watching live?