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Firefly - Browncoat Poster Project

Sunday 12 November 2006, by Webmaster

I’m working on a new poster design that’s going to be a tribute to browncoats. It’s going to have lots and lots (and lots .... and lots) of text on it. Essentially, I’m creating the design from nothing but text.

What I’d like to include is names (real and/or screennames), short browncoat-related messages (”SF Browncoats rock!”), memories (”drinking in the bar with Jewel at Flanvention”), inside jokes (”Nathan Fillion smells of turnips”), shoutouts, etc., all from browncoats. Submissions should be less than 10 words each, but feel free to submit as many as you’d like. Unless they’re clearly inappropriate, or I run out of space, I’ll use every submission I get.

Please e-mail your submissions to me as soon as possible, as I hope to have the poster ready in time for Flanvention. And PLEASE feel free to pass this on!